Personal Loans A personal loan involves borrowing a lump sum from a lender / which you agree to pay back, with interest, ove

admin2018-03-29  49



答案 Personal Loans A personal loan involves borrowing a lump sum from a lender / which you agree to pay back, with interest, over a fixed period. / There are two main types of personal loans: secured and unsecured. / Unsecured loans are not tied to any of your assets. / But secured loans are usually tied to your property. / If you default on a secured loan, / your lender can force you to sell the asset to pay off your debt. / Interest rates on loans can be fixed or variable. / A fixed rate will remain the same for the term of the loan, / while a variable rate will be subject to change. / Most loans are repaid in monthly instalments / usually over an agreed period. / The lender will tell you how much you need to pay each month / when it agrees the loan. / If you miss a payment the lender will record the default on your credit file. /

解析     个人贷款
