For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Online Shopping. Your essay should start with a brief descr

admin2020-07-01  22

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay entitled Online Shopping. Your essay should start with a brief description of the chart. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


答案 Online Shopping According to the chart, it is clear that online shopping is more and more popular among people. As early as 1997, the volume of online trade was very small. Then 15 years later, the turnover of online shopping in this city soars sharply to almost 400 million. There are many reasons accounting for the tremendous growth. For one thing, with the growing amount of goods, online shopping satisfies the individual needs of customers. This kind of service will surely gain popularity in a society where more and more people attach great importance to their personal preferences. For another, online shopping is convenient and time-saving, by which people can get whatever they like at home. What is more, as a new business mode, online shopping caters to people’s pursuit of fashion, and thus it attracts a large number of young people. As far as I am concerned, online shopping is a promising business. With the ongoing Internet technology, the convenient online shopping will attract more people. To conclude, online shopping have greater development space and will become an indispensable part of our life in the near future.

解析     第一段通过对柱状图的简要描述指出网络购物正在飞速增长。
    第二段分析网络购物飞速增长的原因:首先,大量的网购商品满足了消费者的个人需求;其次,网络购物具有方便快捷的优点;再者,网络购物迎合了时尚需求,吸引了大批年轻人。第三句为较长的主从复合句,society后跟where引导的定语从句,而在该从句中使用了动词短语attachgreat importance to sth.,意为“对某事非常重视”。
