Every group has a culture, however uncivilized it may seem to us. To the professional anthropologist, there is no intrinsic supe

admin2014-01-13  24

问题     Every group has a culture, however uncivilized it may seem to us. To the professional anthropologist, there is no intrinsic superiority of one culture over another, just as to the professional linguist, there is no intrinsic hierarchy among languages.
    People once thought of the languages of back groups as undeveloped. While it is possible that language in general began as a series of grunts and groans, it is a fact established by the study of "backward" languages that no spoken tongue answers that description today. Most languages of uncivilized groups are, by our most severe standards, extremely complex. They differ from Western languages not in their sound patterns or grammatical structures, which usually are fully adequate for all language needs, but only in their vocabularies, which reflect the objects and activities known to their speakers. Even in this aspect, two things are to be noted. First, all languages seen to possess the machinery for vocabulary expansion, either by putting together words already in existence of by borrowing them from other languages or adapting them to their own system. Second, the objects and activities requiring names and distinctions in "backward" languages, while different from the West, are often surprisingly numerous and complicated. A Western language distinguishes merely between two degrees of remoteness("this" and "that"). But some languages of the American Indians distinguish between what is close to the speaker, or to the person addressed, or removed from both, or out of sight, or in the past, or in the future.
All languages, whether civilized or not, have their own______.

选项 A、ways to transfer ideas
B、forms to satisfy needs
C、abilities to answer description
D、systems to expand vocabulary


解析 根据文章第二段第五句“all languages seen to possess the machinery forvocabulary expansion,either by putting together words already in existence of by borrowingthem from other languages or adapting them to their own system.”可知,作者说所有的语言都具有词汇扩充体系,或者是借用外来词汇,或者是适应自身的词汇体系。据此判断,答案是D。
