浙江金源有限公司(Zhejiang Jinyuan Co.,Ltd.)是一家流通性外贸企业,2007年9月18日与英国ROSE Co.,Ltd.签订一份订购合同如下:               PURCHASE CONTRACT      

admin2010-05-08  15

问题 浙江金源有限公司(Zhejiang Jinyuan Co.,Ltd.)是一家流通性外贸企业,2007年9月18日与英国ROSE Co.,Ltd.签订一份订购合同如下:
                PURCHASE CONTRACT
                           P/C NO:R060121
                           DATE:18 DEC.2007
   THE SELLER:Zhejiang Jinyuan Co.,Ltd.     THE BUYER:ROSE Co..Ltd.
   ADDRESS:No.18 Tianshan Road,          ADDRESS:No.5 RauI Street
         Hangzhou,China                 London,U.K.
   We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on terms and conditions as stated bellows:
   Ladies Coat(女式风衣),style no.:118899
   Shell:woven twill 100%cotton 22s*18s/130*64,stoned washed  
   Lining:100%polyester 230T
   Padding:100%polyester,body 120g/m2,sleeve 100g/m2
   SIZE/COLOR ASSORTMENT:            Unit:piece

PACKING: 10 pieces of coats are packed in one export standard carton, solid color and size in the same carton. Maximum size of export cartons: Length Width Height 56cm 38cm variable Maximum gross weight of a carton:15kgs MARKS: Shipping mark includes ROSE,P/C no.,style no.,port of destination and carton no..Side mark must show the shell color,the size of carton and pieces per carton. SAMPLES: These items will have to be dispatched by DHL, prepaid. Please advise dispatch details to us immediately.

The pre-production samples could be made after the fabric has been tested and passed by SGS,Shanghai Branch, then will be sent to customers’s quality department. "GO" for production can only be given after their approval. DELIVERY: 2 same lots of Ladies coat (the same colors and sizes):

   PORT OF DESTINATION: London/ Rotterdam
   UNIT PRICE: USD20.00 per piece CIF London/Rotterdam
   QUANTITY: 4800pcs
   More or less 5% of the quantity and the amount are allowed.
   30% T/T in advance,70% at 30days after B/L date opened through a bank acceptable to the seller valid for deferred payment in China until 20 Nov.2007.
   To be covered by seller for 110%of CIF value against All Risks and War Risks as per CIC of PICC dated 0I/01/1981.
   All garments’manufactures must meet the minimum manufacturing standards,comply with the SA8000.AZO-colors embroidery and nickel press button are prohibeted.
   The material composition of each article has to be advised on the sew-in lable in following languages:Spain and English.If the labeling of the goods is not correct,we will debit the supplier 3%of purchase price.
   Place of performance and court of jurisdiction:London,U.K.
   SIGNATURE:                       SIGNATURE:

   需方:浙江金源有限公司            合同编号:2007S002
   供方:蓝天服装厂               签约地点:杭州

2.交货期限和交货方式:(6)____________ 供方直接送往上海码头需方指定仓库。 3.质量要求:品质、颜色均按经双方确认的品质样执行,凡与品质样不一致的,一切质量问题均由供方承担。 4.数量要求:数量控制在(7)±______%之内。 5.付款方式:先付30%定金,其余提货时付40%,余下30%凭增值税发票在一个月内结清。 6.包装要求:另附。 7.解决合同纠纷方式:本合同履行中发生争议,双方应及时协商解决,协商未果可按《合同法》解决。 8.其他


答案(1) 女式风衣 (2) 斜纹全棉 (3) 230T涤丝纺 (4) 黑色、红色 (5) 人民币肆拾捌万元整。 (6) 分两批交货,两批的颜色和尺码搭配是一样的,第一批在2007年9月30日至10月15日期间交货;第二批货在2007年10月20日至2007年11月10日期间交货。

