Most people agree that taxes must be paid. Government couldn’t run without money. But people argue about how taxes should be col

admin2016-01-01  30

问题     Most people agree that taxes must be paid. Government couldn’t run without money. But people argue about how taxes should be collected.
    Now the government works with a"progressive tax". Not everyone pays the same percentage of his salary in taxes. Poor people are in a low tax bracket. They pay the smallest percentage of income in taxes. Middle income workers pay a larger percentage than the poor. And the rich fall into the high tax brackets. Few rich people like the progressive tax.
    The government took a poll. Among other people, the government talked to Ray Mathers and Eve Winick. " Let’s change to a flat rate tax. " Says Ray Mathers. " Everyone should be taxed the same percentage. It’s fair. And it’s easy to figure out. " Mathers is president of Trig Computer Company. He makes over $80 000 a year. " I don’t want a flat rate income tax. "says Eve Winick. Winick is a grammar school teacher. Her school is in a poor neighborhood. She makes $ 14 000 a year. "I don’t care if it’s easier to figure out. What I want to know is, would I pay less tax?" Winick worries about her students’ parents. " Some of them can hardly support themselves. Why should they pay heavier taxes? They’re the people who need government services. "
    Mathers thinks a flat rate would help in the long run. "The country could lower taxes after a while. See, if I paid fewer taxes. I’d save money. I’d put that money into my business and hire more people. Those people could pay taxes. Everybody would be better off. "  
You can infer that an unstated reason Mathers likes the flat rate tax is that______.

选项 A、it is easy to figure out
B、it is fair
C、he probably pays heavy taxes
D、he is poor


解析 A、B两项文中明确表示出。flat rate tax每人交税百分比一样,富人能少交税,而progressive tax则要求富人多交税。既然Mathers支持flat rate tax,说明他交税多,想少交一点,故选C。
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