A Polish proverb claims that fish, to taste right, should three times—in water, in butter and in wine. The early efforts of the

admin2010-07-19  24

问题    A Polish proverb claims that fish, to taste right, should three times—in water, in butter and in wine. The early efforts of the basic scientists in the food industry were directed at improving the preparation, preservation, and distribution of safe and nutritious food. Our memories of certain foodstuffs eaten during the World War Ⅱ suggest that, although these might have been safe and nutritious, they certainly did not taste right nor were, they particularly appetizing in appearance or smell. This neglect of the sensory appeal of foods is happily becoming a thing of the past. Bow, in the book "Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food," the authors hope that it will be useful to food technologists in industry and also to others engaged in research into problem of sensory evaluation of foods. An attempt has clearly been made to collect every possible piece of information, which might be useful, more than one thousand five hundred references being quoted. As a result, the book seems at first sight to be an exhaustive and critically useful review of the literature. This it certainly is, but this is by no means is its only achievement, for there are many suggestions for further lines of research, and the discursive passages are crisply provocative of new ideas and new ways of looking at established findings.
   Of particular interest is the weight given to the psychological aspects of perception, both objectively and subjectively. The relation between stimuli and perception is well covered, and includes a valuable discussion of the uses and disadvantages of the Weber fraction of differences. It is interesting to find that in spite of many attempts to separate and define the modalities of taste, nothing better has been achieved than the familiar classification into sweet, sour salty and bitter. Nor is there as yet any clear-cut evidence of the physiological nature of the taste stimulus. With regard to smell, systems of classification are of little value because of the extraordinary sensitivity of the nose and because the response to the stimulus is so subjective. The authors suggest that a classification based on the size, shape and electronic status of the molecule involved merits further investigation, as does the theoretical proposition that weak physical binding of the stimulant molecule to he receptor site is a necessary part of the mechanism of stimulation.
   Apart from taste and smell, there are many other components of perception of the sensations from food in the mouth. The basic modalities of pain, cold, warmth and touch, together with vibration sense, discrimination and localization may all play a part, as, of course, does auditory reception of bone-conducted vibratory stimuli from the teeth when eating crisp or crunchy foods. In this connection the authors rightly point out that this type of stimulus requires much more investigation, suggesting that a start might be made by using subjects afflicted with various forms of deafness. It is well-known that extraneous noise may alter discrimination, and the attention of the authors is directed to the work of Prof. H. J. Eysenck on the "stimulus hunger" of extroverts and the "stimulus avoidance" of introverts.
The writer of the article does not express the view, either directly or by implication, that ______.

选项 A、sharply defined classifications of taste are needed
B、more research should be done regarding the molecular constituency of food
C、food values are objectively determined by an expert "smeller"
D、temperature is an important factor in the value of food


解析 食品价值由专家的嗅觉客观决定。这和第二段后半段的内涵有联系。他说,味道可分甜,酸,咸,辣,而味觉生理性却无明确无误的证据。“至于(嗅觉)闻,由于鼻子特别灵敏,对外界刺激的反应主观性强,所以任何分类体系均无价值。”作者建议以“大小,形状和涉及分子电子态为基础的分类值得进一步探讨研究,就像理论性前提一样。刺激物分子和受体之间弱的物理结合是刺激生理机能的必要组成部分,”这段文章谈到味觉、嗅觉但并没有直接或间接表达这种观点:食品的价值是通过专家的嗅觉来客观判定的。
