
admin2013-08-18  59

问题     起初,天和地仍然是一个整体,所有的一切都处于混沌之中。宇宙就像一只巨大的黑色鸡蛋,里面装着盘古。18000年以后,盘古从沉睡中醒来。他觉得窒息,所以他拿起一把大斧子,用尽所有的力气一挥。打碎了这个蛋。轻的,透明的部分上升,形成天,凉的,浑浊的东西沉下来成为地。盘古站在中间,他头顶天,脚踏地。天地开始以每天10英尺的速度增长,盘古也跟着长高。又过了18000年,天越来越高,地越来越厚,盘古站在天地中间,就像一根900万里高的柱子,这样天和地再也不会合在一起了。


答案 In the beginning , the heavens and earth were still one and all was chaos. The universe was like a big black egg, carrying Pan Gu inside itself. After 18 thousand years Pan Gu woke from a long sleep. He felt suffocated, so he took up a broadax and wielded it with all his might to crack open the egg. The light, clear part of it floated up and formed the heavens, the cold, turbid matter stayed below to form earth. Pan Gu stood in the middle, his head touching the sky, his feet planted on the earth. The heavens and the earth began to grow at a rate of ten feet per day, and Pan Gu grew along with them. After another 18 thousand years, the sky was higher, the earth thicker, and Pan Gu stood between them like a pillar 9 million li in height so that they would never join again.

