What is wrong with the woman’s current apartment?

admin2013-07-19  23

问题 What is wrong with the woman’s current apartment?
M: Hi, I heard you’re looking for a different apartment.
W: Yeah, the place I’m in now is a real dump.
M: It was OK when I was there.
W: Oh. (l)The steam generator keeps breaking and when it does, we lose the heat for several days at a time.
M: Why doesn’t the owner replace it?
W: Well, she said it’s cheaper to keep fixing it. She is a nice enough person, just sort of stingy in any case, I’m sick of being cold.
M: Can you get your deposit back if you move?
W: (2)If I give two-months notice, I can get the whole thing back.
M: So what kind of place are you looking for?
W: I think I’ll try to get into one of those high rises near the university. There’s nothing really special but (3)at least they are new and functional.
M: I heard those buildings are pretty noisy. The walls are thin and you can hear everything going on in the other apartment.
W: Oh, that will never do. I need some place quiet to finish my thesis. I guess I’ll have to look at some more ads. Maybe new isn’t necessarily better.
M: Don’t worry. You’ll find one soon.

选项 A、Near the university.
B、Near the downtown.
C、High rises with thin walls.
D、New and functional.


解析 细节题。对话中女士对新公寓的要求是至少要新,并且功能齐全,所以正确答案为D。
