
admin2016-10-27  55

问题     我十分同意杨绛先生关于读书的观点:读书好比串门儿,要参见钦佩的老师或拜谒有名的学者,不必事前打招呼求见,也不怕搅扰主人。翻开书面就闯进大门,翻过几页就登堂人室;而且可以经常去,时刻去,如果不得要领,还可以不辞而别或者另请高明。读书是为了寻找黄金屋、千钟粟和颜如玉的,因而就要头悬梁、锥刺股。这里,读书是为了人仕博名的,读书的快乐当然就荡然无存了,反而让人生出几分胆怯和畏惧。今天我们中的许多人,读书更是全然没有风雅境界和心境了,多是借读书之名,取利禄之实,读书不过是一种装潢而已。


答案I couldn’t agree with Ms. Yang Jiang’s view on reading more: I would compare reading to visiting friends. Visiting a well-respected teacher or paying homage to a renowned scholar doesn’t necessarily require appointment in advance and we won’t feel as if we were disturbing him. Opening the book is like getting into the door uninvited, and turning a few pages, we may find ourselves in his study. Besides, we can go visit him as frequently as we want and at any time we wish. If we fail to get the pith of his argument, we can just leave without saying " goodbye" or turn to someone else for help. If reading is only to search for the house of gold, the 200-thousand kilograms of millet and the beauty, we have to tie our hair on the house beam and jab our side with a needle to keep ourselves awake while reading like the ancient people used to do. Here, the sole purpose of reading is to get an official post and gain a high social status; of course, in this way the joy of reading is nowhere to be seen; instead reading makes people feel a bit timid and afraid. Today, many of us have lost all the elegant state and mood while reading, but mostly in pursuit of wealth and interest by the excuse of reading, turning it into nothing but merely a decoration.

