
admin2014-03-03  28

问题     进入21世纪,国际形势继续深刻变化。和平与发展仍然是当今时代的主题,但不稳定不确定因素在增多,新挑战新威胁在增加。在新的国际形势下,中美两国共同利益在增多,合作领域在扩大。世界和平与安全面临的新课题,特别是反对国际恐怖主义、防止大规模杀伤性武器扩散、保护人类生存环境、打击跨国犯罪等,使我们两国拥有重要的共同战略利益。中国的巨大市场和发展需求,美国的先进科技和优质产品,使两国具有巨大的经济技术合作空间。中美全面发展建设性合作关系前景广阔。


答案 Entering the 21st century, the world has continued to undergo profound changes. Peace and development remain the calling of our times. On the other hand, factors causing instability and uncertainty are increasing and new challenges and threats are looming. Against this backdrop, the common interests between our two countries are increasing and the areas of our cooperation widening. Global peace and security now face new challenges, such as fighting international terrorism, preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, protecting the environment and human habitat and combating transnational crimes. And it is exactly in these fields that we share important strategic interests. China has a huge market and its development has generated strong demand, while the United States has advanced technology and high quality products. This has created enormous opportunities for economic and technical cooperation between our two countries. Indeed, there is a broad prospect for the growth of constructive and cooperative China-U.S. relations in all fields.

解析     这篇文章节选自中华人民共和国国家主席胡锦涛在耶鲁大学的演讲,文章探讨了进入21世纪后国际形势的变化和双方合作前景之所在。在翻译实践的过程中,要注重积累政治术语的翻译技巧和固定词组。
1.  进入21世纪:entering the 21st century,  “进入21世纪”还可译为stepping into the  21st century,  “进入21世纪后”译为“After entering 21 st century”,例如,  “After entering 21st century,China’s urbanization process is accelerated,the original household registration system is broken,The gap between the rich and the poor is changed to polarize.All these make poor problem in the city show prominently.(进入21世纪后,中国城市化进程加快,原有户籍制度被打破.贫富差距加大,这些都使得城市贫困问题凸现。)”。
2.  (发生)深刻变化:undergo profound changes,为同定译法,要多积累相关例句,例如.  “The world is undergoing profound changes which require the discard of the Cold War mentality and the development of a new security concept and a new international political, economic and security order responsive to the needs of our times.(世界正在发生深刻的变化,变化了的世界需要摒弃冷战思维,建立适应时代需要的新安全观和新的国际政治、经济和安全秩序。)”。
3.  当今时代的主题:the calling of our times。
4.  不稳定不确定因素:factors causing instability and uncertainty,注意这个词组的后置翻译方法。
5.  新挑战新威胁在增加:new challenges and threats are looming,  “loom”意为“come  into view indistinctly,often threateningly(隐约地出现;阴森地逼近)”,例如“Because of an early weak stock market,and frequent accounting scandals of many US big companies,the US economy faces a looming expectation.The Bush Administration try to stimulate the economy by a 1,300 billion dollar tax cut bill.(值此先因股市疲软,后又因美国许多大企业假账丑闻频传,致使经济发展颇不明朗之际,布什政府力求藉实施一兆三千亿美元减税计划来刺激经济。)”。
6.  在新的国际形势下:against this backdrop,为固定译法,译为“在此背景下”。
7.  反对国际恐怖主义:fighting international terrorism,为固定译法,其中terrorism表示“恐怖主义”。
8.  防止大规模杀伤性武器扩散:preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction,  “杀伤性武器”译为“weapons of mass destruction(WMD)”。 proliferation意为“a rapid increase in number(especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons)(快速扩大)”。例如,《防止核扩散条约》译为“Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons”。
9.  保护人类生存环境:protecting the human habitat。
10.打击跨国犯罪:combating transnational crimes,注意积累这类术语。例如,跨国犯罪 (transnational crimes),国际司法协助(international judicial cooperation),打击毒品犯罪(crack down drug-connected crimes),《反洗钱公约》(Agreement on Fighting Money Laundering)。
11.全面建设性合作关系:constructive and cooperative relations in all fields,注意“全面(in all fields)”两字翻译时的后置翻译方法。
12.……前景广阔:there is a broad prospect for…,这个词语有多种译法,还可译为:show great promise fot the future/have a tremendous potential for…。
