
admin2014-03-03  34

问题     丝绸之路的历史可以追溯到公元前2世纪,当时一名中国官员、朝廷的使者张骞沿着这条连接亚欧两大洲的贸易通道出使西域。这条通道源于长安城(即今日的西安),一路穿越陕西省、甘肃省境内的河西走廊、新疆的塔里木盆地、帕米尔山区、阿富汗、伊朗、伊拉克以及叙利亚,最后抵达地中海的东岸,全程7千公里,其中有4千多公里的路段在中国境内。


答案 The Silk Road dates back to the second century B. C. when a Chinese official and envoy of the royal court Zhang Qian embarked on his business trip to Xiyu (meaning western countries) following this trade thoroughfare linking Asia and Europe. Originating from Chang’an (the present-day Xi’an), the route traversed Shaanxi Province, the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province, the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, the Pamir Mountain region, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Syria, ending at the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. More than 4,000 of its 7,000 kilometers were in China. A wealth of historical relics, fascinating scenery and interesting local cultures along the Silk Road makes this long trip one of the world’s most exciting tourist attractions. Many Chinese ethnic minorities scatter along the Chinese portion of the road, all courteous and hospitable to visitors from the rest of the world. The food and crafts in the region are different from those in central China. And the folklore is simply exotic and colorful.

解析     丝绸之路曾在中外历史上发挥了连接亚欧两大洲贸易的巨大作用。本篇简明扼要地介绍了丝绸之路的人文历史、沿途风光等,使人不由得产生无限的向往之情。
追溯到:date back to。
一名中国官员、朝廷的使者张骞:可以按照中文的顺序译为“Chinese official and envoy of the royal court Zhang Qian”。
沿着这条连接亚欧两大洲的贸易通道:译为“following this trade thoroughfare linking Asia and Europe”,其中“thoroughfare”表示“road or street,esp.one much used by traffic and open at both ends(通衢;大道;大街)”。
出使西域:  “西域”汉时指现在玉门关以西的新疆和中亚细亚等地区,张骞“出使西域”主要目的是为了通商,故译为“embarked on his business trip to Xiyu(meaning western countries)”。
这条通道源于长安城(即今日的西安),一路穿越……:译为“Originating from Chang’an(the present—day Xi’an),the route traversed…”,其中“traverse”表示“travel across;pass over(走过;经过;横过)”。例如,Searchlights traversed the sky.(探照灯扫过天空。)/The railway traverses hundreds of miles of desert.(这条铁路贯穿数百里的沙漠。)
甘肃省境内的河西走廊:the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province。
塔里木盆地:the Tarim Basin。
帕米尔山区:the Pamir Mountain region。
大批历史文物、引人人胜的自然风景以及富有情趣的地方文化:译为“A wealth of historical relics,fascinating scenery and interesting local cultures”,其中短语“a/the wealth of”表示“great amount or number of(大量;丰富)”。例如,a book with a wealth of illustrations(一本有大量插图的书)。“引人人胜”可译为“bewitching/enchanting/fascinating”等。
旅游节项目:tourist attractions。
少数民族:ethnic minorities。
对……以礼相待,热情好客:(be)courteous and hospitable to…
民间传说:the folklore。
如同天方夜谭一般神奇,听来别有一番情趣:  “如同天方夜谭一般”这个明喻与本篇关系不大,可以省略不翻,直接译为“is simply exotic and colorful”。
