
admin2017-03-30  45

问题 石家庄市某企业(甲方)是专门生产精密机床的重点大型(国务院确定)国有独资企业,与北京某国有独资公司(乙方)于2011年3月5日签订了一份精密机床的购销合同。合同约定,由甲方供应乙方精密机床一台,总价款980万元。合同汀明2012年4月1日至20日为交货日期。经甲方要求,乙方以价值400万元的房屋作抵押,但签订合同后未办理抵押登记。因国有资产监督管理部门决定重新任免甲方的总经理和财务负责人.原任总经理为了结其在任职期内的合同事项,在未与乙方事先协商的情况下,于2012年3月20日向乙方发货。乙方于2012年3月29日收到精密机床后,以甲方提前交货为由拒绝向其付款,从而引起争议。后经双方协商,乙方同意接受机床,付款期到后,因乙方自主决定与A外资企业合并,拒绝支付货款。
  甲企业201 2年全年实现盈利1500万元,企业管理当局2013年上半年集体讨论决定将其一部分提取各项基金,剩余利润用于购建福利设施和支付职工福利费用。2013年8月,经国有资产监督管理部门决定,将甲企业改制为困有独资公司.为了保证顺利实施改制,企业负责人集体讨论并决定了职工安置方案和细节步骤,次日即开始实施改制的各项程序。


答案(1)乙方设定的抵押权未生效。根据规定,以建筑物提供抵押的,应当办理抵押物登记,抵押权自登记之日起设立,本题中,乙方以房屋提供抵押,并未办理抵押登记,因此抵押权并未设立。 (2)国有资产监督管理部门决定重新任免甲方的总经理和财务负责人合法。根据规定,履行出资人职责的机构依照法律、行政法规以及企业章程的规定,有权任免国有独资企业的经理、副经理、财务负责人和其他高级管理人员。 (3)乙方以公司合并拒付货款的理由不成立。根据规定,当事人订立合同后合并的,由合并后的法人或者其他组织行使合同权利,履行合同义务。因此,合并前乙方的义务应由合并后的企业继续承担。 (4)乙方自主决定与A外资企业合并不合法。根据规定,国有独资公司的合并、分立、增加或者减少注册资本,发行债券、分配利润,以及解散、申请破产,由履行出资人职责的机构决定。本题乙企业是国有独资公司,不能自主决定与A外资企业合并。 (5)甲企业管理当局2013年决定利润分配的方案不合法。根据《企业国有资产法》的规定,国有独资企业的合并、分立、增加或者减少注册资本,发行债券、分配利润,以及解散、申请破产,由履行出资人职责的机构决定。本题中,甲企业集体讨论决定利润分配是不符合规定的,必须由国有资产监督管理机构决定。 (6)甲企业负责人集体讨论并决定了职工安置方案的做法不合法。根据规定,国有企业实施改制前,原企业应当与投资者就职工安置费用、劳动关系接续等问题明确相关责任,并制订职工安置方案,职工安置方案必须经职工代表大会或职工大会审议通过,企业方可实施改制。本题中,甲企业的职工安置方案仅仅经过企业负责人集体讨论决定,而且没有经过职工代表大会审议,是不合法的。 (7)①甲公司董事会的组成不符合规定。根据规定,国有独资公司董事会成员中应当有职工代表,并经公司职工代表大会选举产生。本题中,甲公司董事会成员全部由国有资产监督管理机构派出的人员担任,没有经过职工代表大会选举职工董事,是不符合规定的。 ②甲公司董事长选派符合规定。根据规定,国有独资公司董事会设董事长1人,由国有资产监督管理机构从董事会成员中指定。 (8)张某兼职的行为不合法。根据规定,未经履行出资人职责的机构同意,国有独资公司的董事、高级管理人员不得在其他企业兼职。因此本题中,作为国有独资公司董事长的张某尽管没有从事同业竞争的营业,但自行决定在另外一家从事零售业的公司担任副经理的兼职行为是不符合规定的。 Correct answers: (1)The mortgage set by Party B is not effective.According to the“Property Law” provisions,to provide mortgage housing,he shall register the mortgaged property,the mortgage right shall be established since the date of registration,in this case,Party B provides mortgage housing,does not exercise mortgage registration,SO mortgage right has not established. (2)The state owned assets supervision and administration department decided to reappoint Party A’S general manager and financial director are legal.According to the regulations, agency performing capital contributor’s duties in accordance with laws,administrative regulations and the articles of association of the enterprise,has power to appoint and remove state—owned enterprise manager,deputy manager,finance manager and other senior management personnel. (3)The reason that Party B refuses to pay the purchase price as corporate combination is not valid.According tO the“Contract Law”provisions.the corporate combination happened after signing contract by parties,the contractual right and contractual obligation shall be exercised by after-combination legal person or other organization.Therefore,before the merger of obligation of Party B shall be bore by after-combination enterprises sequentiallv. (4)Party B decides to combine with A foreign enterprise on its own which are illegal.B Company is a wholly state owned company,according to the provisions,a wholly state owned company merger,split—up,increase or reduction of registered capital,the issuance of bonds,distribution of profits,and dissolution,bankruptcy,decided by the body performing the contributor’s functions. (5)2013 profit distribution plan decided by A business management authorities decided is illegal.According to the“Enterprise State-Owned Assets Law”,merge,split—up,increase or reduction of the registered capital of state—owned enterprise,the issuance of bonds, distribution of profits,and dissolution,bankruptcy,decided by the body performing the contributor’s functions.In this case,the profit distribution is decided by A Enterprise via collective decision is not compliance with provisions,which shall be determined by the state owned assets supervision and administration institutions. (6)The employee scheme is decided by principal of A enterprise via collective discussion is illegal.According to the provisions,before the implementation of state—owned enterprises, the enterprise shall define the relevant liabilities with investors on settlement allowance of employees,labor relations continuation,and etc.,and set employee settlement scheme, workers settlement scheme must be approved and passed by the staff and workers’congress or staff meeting.In this case,the workers settlement scheme of A enterprise is decided by Drincipal of A enterprise via collective discussion only,but not be approved and passed by the staft and workers’congress or staff meeting,which is illegal. (7)①The composition of the board of directors of J ia company is not in conformity with the Drovisions.According to the“Company Law",the staff representative shall be involved in the board of directors of state-owned companies,and the representatives of the employee shall be elected bv workers’congress.In this case,all the members of company’s board of directors are persons who are sent by the state—owned assets supervision and administration institutions,which is not in conformity with the provisions. ②Chairman appointing of Jia company is in accordance with the provisions,According to the “Company Law”,the board of directors of state—owned companies shall have 1 chairman who are appointed by the state—owned assets supervision and administration institution from the members of the board of directors. (8)Zhang’s part—time behavior is illegal.According to the“State—Owned Assets Law”,without the consent of the agency performing capital contributor’s duties,a wholly state owned company’s directors and senior management shall not work in other business simul taneouslv.So in this case,although the chairman of a wholly state-owned company Zhang does not engaged in business of same industry competition,decide act as deputy general manager in the retail company on his own which is not in conformity with the provisions?

