Stereotypes are types of generalization that are useful in organizing the massive amounts of information to which people are exp

admin2013-08-12  49

    Stereotypes are types of generalization that are useful in organizing the massive amounts of information to which people are exposed. As with any generalization, the formation of stereotypes downplays the behavior of specific individuals and stresses trends across large numbers of people. After many observations of different individuals, people from all over the world are likely to see more aggressive behavior in men, more nurturant behavior in women, more assertion of leadership among men, and more passivity among women in mixed-gender groups. These observations become part of the universal stereotypes of men and women. When drawing their conclusions about men and women, observers do not focus on individual differences. They do not focus their attention on the individual aggressive women or the passive men.
    Some feminists have researched gender differences. According to their studies, the stereotypes of men and women are not just attributable to biological differences but also to social reasons. Their explanation was presented as follows: once men are socialized to act in a dominant manner, they become comfortable with their power over women and develop norms that keep women in inferior positions. When they hold power, they learn to enjoy it and are unwilling to let go of it. When men have power, they often develop beliefs that help to maintain the power. To illustrate, people may be made to believe that men are better at making tough decisions. Besides, they also develop other beliefs that make it difficult for women to have power. For example, they may make people believe that women are really happier in homemaker roles. Therefore, these feminists believe that as women decide to move into roles that were traditionally denied them, there is a decrease in the number of sharp distinctions that once marked the behavior of men and women.
    Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
    Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how the points presented in the lecture illustrate the points made in the reading passage.
Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
Today, we are going to talk about stereotypes and individual differences. In general, people tend to think of men as aggressive, energetic, adventurous and so on and women as gentle, patient, sympathetic and the like. However, the tendency for women to become passive in the company of men does not have to decide behavior among adults in today’s world. Women can consciously make decisions to take the new roles once marking the behavior of men. After all, it is possible for women to try to break old habits. They can, for example, make a point of asking relevant questions and of becoming more active participants during arguments and discussions in the workplace. In other words, they can make a conscious decision to move beyond traditional male-female tendencies. This can benefit both sexes. For instance, men who have a tendency to control meetings may want to make a point of listening to and respect contributions of others. They may find the meetings will be much more productive.
    School-related performance is another example. If there once was a stereotype that women perform less well than men in mathematics and better in the language and arts, the differences today are almost nonexistent. Once females are encouraged to take advanced mathematics courses, and once males are encouraged to pursue interests in the language and the arts, they are able to take advantage of a school’s offerings without the prejudice that "boys do better in math, girls do better in the language and the arts". In general, in an ideal world, once opportunities within a society are opened up to members of both genders, individuals can pursue various goals based on their abilities and interests.
Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how the points presented in the lecture illustrate the points made in the reading passage.


答案 The lecture is mainly concerned with stereotypes and individual differences. According to the lecture, men are marked in society by being aggressive, energetic, adventurous and so on, whereas women are gentle, patient, sympathetic and the like. Nevertheless, these stereotypes of men and women could be altered in today’s society as long as women can be aware of these stereotypes and make a conscious effort to change them. The reading passage actually presents the same opinion with the listening passage in that they both argue that the stereotypes of men and women can be broken with women’s conscious efforts to change their traditional roles. Specifically, in the reading passage, the feminists hold that the line between the behaviors of men and women can be made thinner as long as women decide to move into their new roles. To illustrate, the lecture provides a couple of examples. For example, when women argue with men in the workplace, women may consciously become active and aggressive so as to defend themselves, while men may be patient to listen to women and respect what they have said. In this way, the meeting may be more successful. Another example is related to school performance. Traditionally, it was believed that girls are better at languages and arts whereas boys are more adept at mathematics. However, these stereotypes of girls and boys can be altered by encouraging girls to take advanced mathematic courses and urging boys to cultivate interests in languages and arts. In this way, boys and girls can smoothly move into their new roles. As has been concluded in the lecture, men and women can orientate themselves towards different goals according to their abilities and interests only if they are provided with equal opportunities by society.

