A、He is no longer a competent leader. B、He is a great fire chief. C、He will get a chance eventually. D、He will get promoted soon

admin2015-01-03  44

M: I can’t believe I can’t get a plane ticket for the May holiday. I mean it is only February.
W: You don’t need to worry about it too much. You know, people cancel reservations all the time.
Q: What does the woman imply the man should do?
M: I have the greatest respect for the fire chief. Over the last thirty years, he’s been a courageous leader.
W: But, frankly, he has had his day. Firefighting has changed and it’s time we appoint someone who can take on new challenges.
Q: What does the woman think of the fire chief?

选项 A、He is no longer a competent leader.
B、He is a great fire chief.
C、He will get a chance eventually.
D、He will get promoted soon.


解析 男士说:我对消防队长有着无限的敬意。过去三十年来,他一直是我们的领导,勇气过人。女士说:但是坦率地讲,他那一套已经过时了。消防工作日新月异,该是时候指定一位能够接受新挑战的接班人了。has had its day意思是:不再受欢迎,过时了。
