A、Because she wants to take the professor’s class. B、Because she has made an appointment with her. C、Because she wants to ask fo

admin2021-02-26  23

M: Hello, can I help you?
W: Hello! I was wondering if Professor Fuller’s is here. Um... I mean is this her office?
M: Yeah, you are in the right place. Her room is over there, but I’m afraid she’s not in the office at the moment.
W: Do you know when she’ll be back?
M: Let me check. Today is Wednesday and she doesn’t have classes...
W: Excuse me, sir. But I think today is Tuesday.
M: Oh, I’m sorry. I’m really not myself today. So, today is Tuesday. Professor Fuller is teaching all morning. I think she may come back after lunch. And you can... oh, no... Almost forget that! I’m sorry. There is this academic conference on biology that she plans to attend. I’m pretty sure that she will be out of town this afternoon. Can I leave a message for you?
W: Actually, I was hoping to talk to her. I don’t know if she would accept any more students into her Biology 202 class.
M: Well, you should have access to the online class registration system to find it out.
W: I know. It’s already full. That’s why I got this form from the registrar. If Professor Fuller says yes to me and signs this form, I still can take the class.
M: Biology 202 is a very popular class, especially when she teaches it.
W: I know. I’m hoping she’ll let me in even though the class is full. I’m a senior this year, and, uh... I still need 2 credits on science courses. This is my last chance...
M: Usually most students fulfill their science requirement the first and second year. Your advisor didn’t say anything?
W: Yeah, to be honest, she’s been after me for a while. But I’m not really a big fan of science classes. Statistics, labs... all those things just seem to be beyond me. So I kept putting it off.
M: Well, you could leave the form with me and I’ll see if she’ll sign it for you.
W: You know, I appreciate that, but maybe I should explain the problem to her in person. I don’t just want to take this class because I need 2 credit points. Many of my friends have recommended this class.
M: Um... here’s an idea. Why don’t you stick a note explaining your situation under her door and ask her to call you if she needs more information?
W: That sounds like a great idea. And I can leave the form with you if you still don’t mind.
M: Sure. I’ll make sure she sees it when she comes back to office tomorrow.
This is the end of Conversation Two.
Questions 6-10 are based on Conversation Two.
6. When does the conversation take place?
7. What does Professor Fuller plan to do in the afternoon?
8. Why does the student want to meet Professor Fuller?
9. Why doesn’t the woman fulfill her science requirement?
10. How does the student contact with the professor in the end?

选项 A、Because she wants to take the professor’s class.
B、Because she has made an appointment with her.
C、Because she wants to ask for the professor’s advice.
D、Because she’s required to take her science courses.


解析 ①预读选项得知问题应该是询问某件事发生的原因,需格外留意“She”和“教授”之间的关系。②由录音内容可知,女士前来是希望和教授谈一谈,看看教授是否愿意接受她到教授的“生物302课程”上课。所以A项正确。③录音中的确提到该学生想要找Fuller教授谈论事情,但没有提前约定,故B不正确。C项“找教授寻求建议”未在对话中提及。录音中女士提到自己必须要修科学课程,但是没有要求说一定要选Fuller教授的课程,D不符合事实。
