
admin2011-04-26  43

问题     在现今竞争激烈的社会中,每个人都免不了承受很多压力。这些心理的和社会的压力诱因包括亲密关系的破裂、家庭成员或朋友的去世、经济困境、角色冲突、超负荷工作、失业、歧视、健康不佳、照料年迈的父母、意外伤害和对人身安全的故意攻击。长期的压力会引起身体、情感和行为问题,而这些问题又会影响你的健康、精力、情绪以及人际关系,最终有损生活质量。最主要的是要学会释放压力。否则就会失去生理平衡,产生严重的心理问题,例如,抑郁症和精神错乱等。有些失意者因为无法处理压力,选择了自杀或者其他方式伤害自己。这是不值得的。保持健康向上的心态,勇于面对现实才是克服压力的好办法。


答案In today’s competitive society, everyone is bound to suffer from stress. These psychological and social stressors include the breakup of intimate romantic relationships, death of a family member or friend, economic hardship, role conflict, work overload, unemployment, discrimination, poor physical health, care-taking for elderly parents, accidental injuries, and intentional assaults on physical safety. Chronic strain can cause physical, emotional and behavior- al disorders which can in turn affect your health, vitality, peace-of-mind, as well as personal relationships and eventually erode quality of life. The most important thing is to learn to relieve stress. Otherwise, it will lose physiological balance and lead to serious psychological problems, such as depression, mental disorder and so on. Some unlucky people who can’t deal with their stress, may resort to suicide or other means of hurting themselves. But none of these is advisable. Keeping a healthy and positive state of mind and facing reality bravely are the preferable ways to overcome stress.

