Floating in the waters of the equatorial Pacific, an array of buoys collects and transmits data on long-term interactions betwee

admin2019-11-17  54

问题 Floating in the waters of the equatorial Pacific, an array of buoys collects and transmits data on long-term interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere, interactions that affect global climate.

选项 A、atmosphere, interactions that affect
B、atmosphere, with interactions affecting
C、atmosphere that affects
D、atmosphere that is affecting
E、atmosphere as affects


解析 Grammatical construction; Agreement
The underlined portion of the sentence is an appositive, a terminal noun phrase restating the kind of data being collected and providing additional information about it. This is a clear and economical way to provide the extra information.
A Correct. The sentence is grammatically correct and logically coherent.
B The prepositional phrase with ... has no clear noun or noun phrase to attach to and is therefore ungrammatical.
C Using the restrictive that after atmosphere illogically suggests that there are many atmospheres to differentiate from and the one in question in this sentence is the one affecting global climate.
D The restrictive that also follows atmosphere as in answer C.
E The phrase as affects global climate functions as an adverb, but there is no verb for it to modify.
The correct answer is A.
