Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1)describe the picture briefly,

admin2015-12-28  4

问题     Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
    1)describe the picture briefly,
    2)explain its intended meaning, and then
    3)give your comments.


答案 The picture shows what we often refer to as "giving up halfway". In order to dig a well, the man here has already dug five pits at different depths, among which the one closest to the water underneath measures only half the length of his own leg. At the thought of there being no water at all, he retreats to seek a likelier spot. The "well-digging" phenomenon speaks out some existing attitude taken towards success. More often than not, success means a long journey in need of not only short-term passion but also patience and insistence. Quick success and instant benefits, though alluring, exist most often in a mirage. Merely a passing fad tends to lead to vain attempts and an unfruitful life. Take the eminent inventor Edison as an example. Without patience, he would not have found the most suitable material for the light bulb after so many trials and errors. Without insistence, the former U.S. president Lincoln, after so many ups and downs, would not have emerged to be one of the most respected leaders in the world. Therefore, everybody could be somebody in the future, only if he gets down to his present work on the right track. Keep on, and you will succeed in time.

解析 本图主题较明确,即急于获得成功的浮躁心态往往阻碍了人们通向成功的道路。漫画将该主题包含在了“掘井”这个事情中,掘井人深深浅浅挖了若干个坑,最深的坑离水源只有半截小腿长的距离,但他没有继续挖下去,所有努力都前功尽弃。如何把这些内容简单扼要地表达清楚,对考生的语言能力要求较高。个人评论只要言之成理、语言流畅、语法规范,作文问题不是很大。
