Where most likely is the conversation taking place?

admin2022-09-29  41

问题 Where most likely is the conversation taking place?
W: Tom, can I get past you to the fridge? I need some milk.
M1: Sure. Have you tried this tea?
W: No, I’m not big on tea. I like the coffee they give us, though.
M1:Yeah, I love working here. There are so many great benefits! Did you hear about the new vacation policy?
W: Yes, it’s great, isn’t it? Oh, hello Anil. Anil, have you met Tom? Anil just started this week. M2: Nice to meet you, Tom.
M1: You too, Anil. Glad to have you with us.
M2: Thanks. Oh, we’re out of coffee?
W: No, there’s some here. Oops, I’m running late. Anil, I’ll stop by later to show you how to use the time entry system.
62.Where most likely is the conversation taking place?
63.What does Tom suggest about the company?
64.What does the woman say about Anil?

选项 A、At a job fair.
B、At a meeting.
C、ln an office kitchen.
D、ln a coffee shop.


解析 题干问的是这个对话最有可能发生在哪。根据对话“我喜欢在这儿工作”可知,这是在一个工作场合;同时这里提到了牛奶、茶、咖啡还有冰箱,应该是公司的茶水间,故选C。
