Two equally brilliant scientists apply for a prestigious research fellowship awarded by a top scientific organization. One is wh

admin2013-10-31  61

问题     Two equally brilliant scientists apply for a prestigious research fellowship awarded by a top scientific organization. One is white, the other black. Does the color of their skin matter?
    Most scientists will already be screaming a resounding "no". Those who progress in science do so because of their work, not their pigmentation. Science is meritocratic and objective. It must therefore be rigorously color-blind and shun both racial discrimination and affirmative action.
    Well, let’ s think about this. If science really is so meritocratic, where are all the black Nobel prizewinners and fellows of the Royal Society? The black chairs of government scientific panels? The black Richard Dawkinses and Susan Greenfields? When Newsweekmagazine recently surveyed Europe’ s largest 100 companies, it was shocked to unearth only six board members of non-European racial origin. One shudders to thinks what a similar survey of upper echelons of European science would reveal.
    Even the usually stick-in-the-mud British government now acknowledges there is a problem. Last month it promised new funding for projects designed to combat institutional racism in science education in schools. As measures go it is little and late, but welcome nonetheless. Despite starting school as the top achievers, black British children have long underperformed in science.
    And there are positive changes afoot higher up the scientific career ladder too. At present, few scientific organizations, funding bodies or labs in Europe bother even to track the racial background of those they hire or fund. As a result the full scale of the under-representation problem is hidden. Not for much longer. Britain’ s newly amended Race Relations Act requires all government bodies, including funding councils, to track the effects of their activities on different ethnic groups and ensure that all benefit equally. And next year a European Union directive will push all EU employers this way too.
    But ethnic monitoring alone will not create the back role models European Science so badly needs. Something else is needed. Funding agencies and influential organizations like the Royal Society must bite the bullet of affirmative action. That means ring-fencing fellowship and grants for applicants from particular racial background. And it means seeking out those who have broken through the barriers of race and giving them preference over their equally well-qualified white peers for positions of influence and places in the spotlight.
    Tokenism and fine sentiments will no longer do. With other professions having already leapt a-head in this area, the enduring whiteness of science is more than an embarrassment: it is a barrier to its very credibility. If a large segment of Europe’ s schoolchildren never see a scientist who looks like them, they will continue to think science is not for them. And if scientists don’ t reflect the multiracial societies they live in, they’ ll find it hard to win the public trust they crave. Does color matter? You bet it does.
The author argues that color matters because it is of______.

选项 A、the nature of science
B、credibility in science
C、an embarrassing tokenism
D、mutual trust between generations


解析 倒数第二段讲到Tokenism and fine sentiments将来不会再有影响,真正使肤色有影响的是the enduring whiteness of science构成了a barrier to its very credibility,现在没有某个种族的科学家,就很难培养出将来的科学家,因为他们认为这个领域不属于他们,科学家不能反应种族的多样性,科学就得不到public trust,由此可知使得肤色成问题的是科学的可信度。
