
admin2014-02-15  16

问题     同时,父母之命媒妁之言的旧式婚姻,却要比嫖妓更高明。这制度之下,男人得到永久的终身的活财产。当新妇人被放到新郎的床上的时候,她只有义务,她连讲价钱的自由都没有,何况恋爱。不管你爱不爱,在周公孔圣人的名义之下,你得从一而终,你得守贞操。男人可以随时使用她,而她却要遵守圣贤的礼教,即使“只在心里动了恶念,也要算犯奸淫”的。


答案 At the same time, the old-style marriage made "at the behest of the parents and after consultation between matchmakers" was superior even to whoring. Under this system, the man came into a piece of live property that was his to hold forever. From the time the bride was deposited on the bed of the bridegroom she had only duties and obligations to perform; even the freedom to haggle over a price was denied her, let alone love. Love or without love, in the name of Duke of Zhou and the Sage Confucius, she had to cleave to one man for all her days, and she had to preserve her chastity. The man could use her whenever he pleased, yet she had to abide by the morale teachings of the saintly fathers: even "to conceive an unclean thought is to be guilty of adultery".

解析 1、本段讲述封建婚姻制度下妇女的悲惨命运,为历史性叙述,故采用一般过去时为总体时态。
2、第1句“父母之命媒妁之言”为中国俗语,可采用意译法译成at the behest of the parents and after consultation between matchmakers,或可译成at the parents’decree(order)and matchmakers’advice。
3、“嫖妓”可译成whoring,简洁明了,符合英文的表达方式,也可根据意思译成visiting(frequenting)brothels,或taking prostitutes。
5、第5句“圣贤”可译为saintly fathers。“犯奸淫”可译为be guilty of adultery或commit adultery。
