
admin2009-05-28  1.3K+

问题 说明:假定你是人事部经理John,请你为Mary小姐(欲到一公司工作)写封推荐信。写信时间为2006年4月20日。Mary在你公司担任设计师长达5年,在此期间,工作认真,才华出众。她曾在美国和澳大利亚接受培训,专业毋庸置疑。她既富有创意又实事求是。她待人和蔼,与同事和睦相处,得到各同事爱戴和尊重。
   Words for reference:
   认真的conscientious;天才的gifted;专业技术technical skills;人事经理Personnel Manager


答案 April 20, 2OO6 Dear Sirs, I am happy to recommend Miss Mary to your company. Mary has worked for our company as a designer for the last five years. During that time, she has shown herself to be a conscientious and gifted member of our design department. Mary was trained in Australia and the USA and her technical skills are unquestionable. She is imaginative and, at the same time, very practical. Mary has a very pleasant personality and she gets on well with people very well. She was a well liked and valuable member of our company. It is my pleasure to recommend her to you with reservation. Yours faithfully, John Personnel Manager

