At work, as in life, attractive women get a lot of good lucks. Studies have shown that they are more likely to be【B1】______than

admin2014-09-05  27

问题     At work, as in life, attractive women get a lot of good lucks. Studies have shown that they are more likely to be【B1】______than their plain-Jane colleagues because people tend to project【B2】______traits【B3】______them, such as a sensitive heart and a cool head, they may also be at an【B4】______in job interviews. But research suggests otherwise.
    Brad Hanks at Georgia State University looked at what happens when job hunters include photos with their resume, as is the【B5】______in much of Europe and Asia. The pair sent made-up applications to over 2,500 real-life【B6】______. For each job, they sent two very similar resume, one with a photo, one without. Subjects had previously been graded for their attractiveness. For men, the results were【B7】______expected. Hunks were more likely to be called for an interview if they included a photo. Ugly men were better off not including one. However, for women this was【B8】______. Attractive females were less likely to be offered an interview if they included a mugshot. When applying directly to a company(rather than through an agency)an attractive woman would need to send out 11 CVs on average【B9】______getting an interview; an【B10】______qualified plain one just seven.
    At first, Mr. Hanks considered【B11】______he calls the "dumb-blonde hypothesis"—that people【B12】______beautiful women to be stupid.【B13】______, the photos had also been rated on how【B14】______people thought each subject looked; there was no【B15】______between perceived intellect and beauty.
    So the cause of the discrimination must【B16】______elsewhere. Human resources departments tend to be【B17】______mostly by women. Indeed, in the Israeli study, 93% of those tasked with selecting whom to invite for an interview were female. The researchers’ unavoidable—and unpalatable—conclusion is that old-fashioned【B18】______led the women to discriminate【B19】______pretty candidates.
    So should attractive women simply attach photos that make them look dowdy? No. Better, says Mr. Ruffle, to discourage the practice of including a photo altogether. Companies might even consider the【B20】______model used in the Belgian public sector, where CVs do not even include the candidate’s name.

选项 A、staffed


解析 根据上下文推测,空格处这句话的意思是说“人力资源部门大部分职员是女性”。四个选项中[A]staffed一般作名词,表示“职员”,做动词时表示“配备员工”。例如:The schoolis staffed entirely by graduates.这个学校的教职员全是大学毕业生。这个例句和我们空格处这句话非常相似。因此[A]为正确答案。[B]occupied表示“占有,占领”,往往表示“某人占了某个地方或者某个职位”,例如:My sister occupies an important position in the Department ofthe Environment.我姐姐在环境部担任要职。这样的句式往往不会反过来用被动语态,因此occupied用在这里不恰当。[C]populated作为动词表示“构成人口”,常用被动语态,例如:The islands were gradually populated by settlers from Europe.岛上逐渐迁入很多欧洲移民。用在这里也不恰当,因为这个词往往表示某个比较大的区域里面的人口构成,用来指一个办公室里面的人员构成不恰当。[D]inhabited作为动词表示“居住于,(动物)栖居于”,例如:Only afew people inhabited the island.只有少数人在这个岛上居住。
