下面片段选自某初中英语课堂教学实录。 Topic: Spring Festival Step 1 T: What do you know about some festivals? S1: Children’s Day. S

admin2020-01-07  41

问题 下面片段选自某初中英语课堂教学实录。
   Topic: Spring Festival
   Step 1
   T: What do you know about some festivals?
   S1: Children’s Day.
   S2: Teacher’s Day.
   T: What is the most important festival in China?
   S3: Spring Festival.
   T: What do people usually do to get ready for Spring Festival?
   1. The students match the phrases with the pictures and read them after the teacher.
   2. The teacher sets an example: She’s cooking the meal. The students use completed sentences to describe the pictures.
   Step 2
   Listen and answers
   T. What are Lingling and her family doing? Where’s Lingling’s father?
   T: Talk about some pictures, using the patterns, "Is she (doing)? /What are they doing?" The students work in groups, and then act out in the front.
   T: What are they doing?
   S: They are cooking the meal.
   T: What is she doing?
   S: She is cleaning the house.
   T: What do you usually do during the Spring Festival? (拓展练习)


答案 1.优点:(1)基本完成了教学任务,该教师通过与学生讨论相关节日的名称,引出了春节这一话题;并且围绕春节习俗引导学生完成了短语以及句型的学习;(2)合理运用教学资源,教师为了实现短语及句型的教授任务,借助图片引导学生运用看图说话的学习策略,培养学生说的技能。 2.缺点:(1)与说的技能培养相关的环节情境任务枯燥,难以激发学生的学习兴趣。 (2)问题设计缺乏开放性,影响了学生的学习动机;问题未与学生的生活实际相联系,教师更多是为了完成教学任务而进行的提问;(3)教学环节过多的侧重于机械性的操练,语言知识的迁移性运用没有得到切实的体现,缺少语言运用活动。 3.改进建议:(1)在春节话题的导入阶段,首先设置开放性问题,激发学生的学习动机;(2)教师组织学生结合自身的生活经验以小组协作的方式完成主要习俗介绍;(3)教师根据学生对春节习俗的认知情况展示相关图片,并在此环节中对学生的讨论结果进行修正和补充,完成短语教学并进行强化。(4)在机械性操练的基础上,教师可以引导学生进行补全句子或者补全对话的运用性练习。

