Sales of children’s literature have risen by double digits in most of the past ten years, much faster than the growth of book sa

admin2019-11-20  50

问题    Sales of children’s literature have risen by double digits in most of the past ten years, much faster than the growth of book sales overall. The number of children’s titles has more than tripled since 2005. This partly reflects a growing demand for products aimed at indulged only-children. A cost-conscious reluctance to have more offspring, which was reinforced by the country’s recently relaxed one-child policy, helped fuel that demand. The richer parents are, the more they splash out on children’ s books.    Booksellers see a huge moneymaking opportunity. Most publishers of literature for adults now offer children’s titles too. Around half of the 100 best-selling books last year were for youngsters—a higher share than in Britain or America. There is a growing variety of genres. Picture books for under-fives have been taking off; fiction for older teenagers is thriving.


答案 过去十年里,儿童文学书籍的销量有了两位数的增长,比图书销量整体增长更快。自2005年以来,儿童书籍的数量翻了三倍多。这在一定程度上反应了针对万千宠爱于一身的独生子女不断增长的产品需求。推动这种需求的原因正是具有成本意识的人们不愿意养育更多的子女,而这种意识是独生子女政策所强化的,但是这个政策目前有所松懈。父母越富裕,就越愿意在儿童书籍上花钱。 书商由此看到了一个巨大的赚钱机会。现在大部分成人读物出版商也开始出版儿童读物。去年前100部畅销书中大约有一半是针对儿童的——无论英国还是美国,都没有这么高的比例。而且体裁种类越来越多。为五岁以下儿童量身定做的图画书大受欢迎:针对青少年的小说也在蓬勃发展。

解析 (1)本句的主干为This partly reflects…,aimed at作后置定语修饰products。indulge原意为“放纵;沉迷”,这里的indulged可理解为“被宠爱的”。only-children译为“独生子女”。
(2)本句的主干为A cost-conscious reluctance…helped fuel that demand,其中to have more offspring为不定式短语作后置定语,修饰reluctance;which引导非限定性定语从句,修饰A cost-conscious reluctance to have more offspring。cost-conscious译为“成本意识”,reluctance译为“不愿意”;relaxed原意为“放松的”,这里可翻译为“松懈的”;fuel原意为“加油”,文中可翻译为“推动”。
(3)The richer…,the more…,翻译为“越富裕……,越……”。splash out on…译为“大手大脚地花钱买……”。
(4)本句的主干为Picture books…have been taking off;fiction…is thriving,两个for引导的介词短语表目的。take off原意为“起飞”,这里译为“突然成功”。
