A、Staying home watching TV. B、Seeing a film. C、Going out for a dinner. D、Going to a party. B题目问女士的建议是什么。女士说“We’d better…”(我们最好……

admin2022-03-29  25

M: Have you finished your work?
W: Not yet. I have to stay up tonight.
Q: What does the woman do tonight?
M: What’s on TV tonight?
W: Nothing much. We’d better go to the cinema.
Q: What’s the woman’s suggestion?

选项 A、Staying home watching TV.
B、Seeing a film.
C、Going out for a dinner.
D、Going to a party.


解析 题目问女士的建议是什么。女士说“We’d better…”(我们最好……)提出建议,其后的内容是听音重点。根据go to the cinema(去电影院)可知女士建议去看电影,B项Seeing a film(看电影)是同义转述,为答案。男士问今晚电视放什么,女士回答Nothing much(没什么好看的),等于否定了看电视这一活动,因此可排除A项Staying home watching TV(在家看电视)。C项Going out for a dinner(出去吃晚餐)和D项Going to a party(去参加聚会)在对话中没有提及。
