A、She finds the papers demanding but refreshing. B、She is energetic compared to other students. C、She is lucky to be exempt from

admin2016-03-29  20

W: Believe me. You really look much better than before. Got some color back in your cheeks.
M: Yes. Actually I’m still not sure whether I can recover from it. But I find jogging does me good, so I keep on doing it.
Q: What can we learn about the man from the conversation?
M: Are you crazy? The papers make everybody exhausted. But you have the time and energy to swim!
W: Well, I’m no exception. And that’s the exact reason why I spent a whole afternoon in the swimming pool.
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、She finds the papers demanding but refreshing.
B、She is energetic compared to other students.
C、She is lucky to be exempt from writing papers.
D、Swimming relaxes her mind tortured by the papers.


解析 校园生活类,语义理解题。男士惊讶于女士的从容不迫,说论文已经把大家都折磨得筋疲力尽,而她居然有时间和精力去游泳;女士说她也不例外,她也是因为论文的压力太大才去游泳池泡了一下午来放松一下。
