Another kind of distinction that can be made among works of art is whether they were originally intended as objects purely to be

admin2014-01-20  41

问题     Another kind of distinction that can be made among works of art is whether they were originally intended as objects purely to be looked at, or as objects to be used. The FINE ARTS, such as drawing, painting, and sculpture, involve the production of works to be seen and experienced primarily on an abstract rather than practical level. Pieces of fine art may produce emotional, intellectual, sensual, or spiritual responses in us. Those who love the fine arts feel that these responses are very valuable, and perhaps especially so in the midst of "a highly materialistic world", for they expand our awareness of the great richness of life itself.
    In contrast to the nonfunctional appeals of the fine arts, the first purpose of the APPLIED ARTS is to serve some useful function. Lucy Lewis, a traditional potter from Acoma Pueblo in New Mexico, has applied a visually exciting surface decoration to her water jar. But the jar’s main reason for being, however, is to hold water. Some of the people of Acoma, which may be the oldest continually inhabited city in the United States, still follow the old ways, carrying water for drinking, cooking, and washing up to their homes from natural ponds below. The forms of their water jars are therefore designed to prevent spilling and to balance readily on one’s head. The pots must also be light in weight, so Acoma water pots are some of the world’s thinnest-walled pottery. Interestingly, the languages of most Native American peoples do not include a word that means "fine art". While they have traditionally created pottery, basketry, and weaving with a good sense of design, these pieces were part of their everyday lives.
    The applied art of pottery-making is one of the crafts, the making of useful objects by hand. Other applied art disciplines are similarly functional. Graphic designers create advertisements, fabrics, layouts for books and magazines, and so on. Industrial designers shape the mass-produced objects used by high-tech societies, from cars, telephones, and teapots, to one of the most famous visual images in the world: the Coca-cola bottle. Other applied arts include clothing design, interior design, and environmental design.
What has the author probably discussed right before the passage?

选项 A、The history of art.
B、The beauty of art.
C、Some distinctions among works of art.
D、The definition of art in general.


解析 此题是一道上下文内容推断题,考查考生根据文章内容和相关写作结构对文章上下文进行推断的能力。问题问本文之前作者可能写的是什么内容。本文第一段第一句话指出:“另一种可以用来区分艺术作品的方法是看它们最初的目的纯粹是用来欣赏观看的还是用来使用的。"由此我们可以推断出上文应该写的是区分艺术作品的其他方法。因此,本题的正确答案应该是C,艺术作品的一些区分方法。选项A:艺术的历史;B:艺术之美;D:艺术的总体定义;这三个选项都是干扰项。
