
admin2019-08-27  48

问题     科学研究的美妙之处在于你永远无法用放之四海而皆准的标准来衡量她的精彩和意义。那么对于你——一个博士研究生来说,什么样的研究才“有趣”,才“有意义”,才更适合你自己呢?你是更喜欢动手还是喜欢分析?喜欢观察偶然现象还是喜欢定量研究?是喜欢为理论补上最后一块缺环,还是干脆开辟一个新战场?


答案 The beauty of scientific research lies in her marvellousness and significance that can never be measured by a universal standard. For you, a PhD student, what kind of research is "fascinating", and then is "significant" and more suitable for you? Do you prefer hands-on or analysis? Observing accidental phenomena or quantitative research? Or complementing the last missing piece of theory or just opening up a new battlefield? Certainly, it is probably that a PhD student is incapable of completely controlling his or her research topic, and still needs lots of input and help from the supervisor. However, I believe your research must bear your imprint. You should try to have your own ideas from the arrangement of a specific experiment, to the design of the experimental logic chain, and to the summary and refinement of the discovery. When you really go through a complete scientific research program, you will slowly begin to appreciate the beauty and excitement of scientific discovery.

