All of us have an obligation to speak out. We may come from different backgrounds and faiths, but parents over the world love ou

admin2015-11-27  67

问题 All of us have an obligation to speak out. We may come from different backgrounds and faiths, but parents over the world love our children. We respect our mothers, our sisters and daughters. Fighting brutality against women and children is not the expression of a specific culture; it is the acceptance of our common humanity—a commitment shared by people of good will on every continent. Because of our recent military gains in much of Afghanistan, women are no longer imprisoned in their homes. They can listen to music and teach their daughters without fear of punishment. Yet the terrorists who helped rule that country now plot and plan in many countries, and they must be stopped. The fight against terrorism is also a fight for the rights and dignity of women. In America, next week brings Thanksgiving. After the events of the last few months, we’ll be holding our families even closer, and we will be especially thankful for all the blessings of American life. I hope Americans will join our family in working to insure that dignity and opportunity will be secured for all the women and children of Afghanistan.


答案 或许我们背景不同,信仰也各有差异,但世界上所有的父母都爱孩子。我们尊敬自己的母亲、姐妹和女儿。与对妇女所犯下的残暴罪行进行斗争,不是某种特定文化的诉求,而是对人类本性的认同,也是全世界所有善良的人们共同承担的责任。由于我们最近在阿富汗的很多地区取得了军事上的胜利,那里的妇女们不再被囚禁在家中,她们可以听音乐、教自己的女儿读书,不必害怕惩罚。然而那些过去曾协助统治阿富汗的恐怖分子们现在仍在其他许多国家策划阴谋,这些人的所作所为必须被制止。与恐怖主义进行斗争也是为妇女的权利和尊严而战。下周我们会迎来美国的感恩节,在经历过前几个月发生的事情之后,我们要更紧地拥抱自己的家人,尤其应对美国的国泰民安心存感恩。我希望全体美国人民,可以和我的家人一起,为保障阿富汗妇女和儿童的尊严和机会而努力。

解析 1.翻译画线部分第三句时,应注意把握句子之间的关系,表现出“不是……而是……也是……”的逻辑关系。
2.在画线部分第六句中,Yet可译为“然而”,表示较弱的转折语气。本句中helped是help的一般过去式,汉语没有时态的变化,因此应该增译“曾经”来体现出过去的概念,与原文中时态所传递的信息保持一致。plot and plan使用了一般现在时,翻译时可以突出“现在”,与之前出现的一般过去时形成对比。
3.画线部分第九句中的After the events of the last few months翻译时应适当增词,表达出“经历过……之后”的含义。
