A: How’re you! Mr. White. My name is Xia Zheng, Deputy Managing Director of Tianming Electrical Machine Import Corp. Though it i

admin2017-02-22  37

B: This is my first visit to the metropolis of Guangzhou and I’m deeply impressed by what I’ve seen here.
B: Yes, I’ve been round the city, and seen some famous sites of historical interest. I enjoyed the visits very much, especially the visits to the museums.
A: 您这么喜欢我们的城市,真是太好了。我想您也喜欢我们的商务建议吧。不知道您给我们带来了什么好消息?
B: Well, I think we have explained to you in our correspondence why we could not accept your proposal. As you know, what you intend to buy from us will involve the whole factory equipment including the necessary accessories and parts. That’s really a tremendous amount of work as well as money which are beyond our means.
B: But, Mr. Xia, you should understand that ours is a branch and our plan must be approved by the board of directors of the multinational before it is put into practice.
B: Oh, I agree on that point. But you see, even if our head office gives us any financial aid, interest has to be paid just the same as a loan from a commercial bank. By the way, what about the banker’s guarantee?
B: Yes. I propose that payment be made by installments, that is, after each shipment we will send you the Bs/L and other necessary documents through our bank and yours — the Bank of China. To ensure the payment, the Bank of China should give us a written letter to the effect that they will guarantee the payment if the buyer fails to do so. And the letter of guarantee should reach us two months before shipment is due, as stipulated in the contract.
B: OK. I am looking forward to the good news.


答案A: How’re you! Mr. White. My name is Xia Zheng, Deputy Managing Director of Tianming Electrical Machine Import Corp. Though it is the first time we met, I have been very familiar with your name in the past business correspondence. I have long expected to see you. B:这是我第一次来广州这座大都市。在这里所见到的一切给我留下了深刻的印象。 A: You have been here for quite several days, I suppose. What scenic spots have you visited? B:是的,我到各处逛了一遍,参观一些名胜古迹,很开心,尤其是参观了一些博物馆。 A: That’s very good you like our city. I suppose you also like our business proposal. Any good news have you brought us? B:噢,我想在我们双方交往的函电中,我们已经解释清楚了为什么不能接受你们的建议。您知道,贵方想从我方购买的涉及一个完整工厂的设备,包括必要的附加部件。工作量太大,而且需要一笔巨款,我公司承担不起。 A: Your corporation is a world-famous multinational and the leader in the electrical machine community. It’s really nothing for you to finance the manufacturing of the complete plant. B:但是,夏先生您知道我公司只是一个子公司,我们的计划在实施之前都必须得到跨国公司董事会的批准。 A: I can understand that a branch of a multinational is independent in finance and responsible for its own financial gains or losses. I know about your branch. It is out of question for you to manufacture the complete plant that we intend to buy. As regards financing, you may get help from your head office. B:噢,这点我是同意的。但是,即使总公司给予我们财务帮助,我们同样要付利息的,就跟从商业银行贷款一样。不知你们银行担保的事情如何? A: We will ask the Bank of China for help. Do you have any specific proposal now? B:有的。我建议采用分期付款的办法,即每次装运之后,我们将通过我方银行和你们的中国银行把提单和其它一些必要的单证转交你方。为了确保付款,中国银行应向我方出一份担保函,大意是如果买方不能付款,中国银行保证会付款。担保函必须在合同规定的装运期前两个月到达我方。 A: I’ll report to our general managing director on your proposal. We’ll have a discussion on this issue. Shall we schedule another appointment when we reach the final conclusion? B:好的,我恭候佳音。

解析    本文是一篇商务对话,一方来自电机业著名跨国公司,一方来自电机进口公司。双方就电机的购买问题进行交谈。这要求应试者掌握一些商务交谈的基础知识、词汇。
   1.副总经理                  Deputy Managing Director
   2.board of directors        董事会
   3.Bs/L                      提单
   4.document                  单证
   5.Bank of China             中国银行
2.This is my first visit to the metropolis of Guangzhou and I’m deeply impressed by what I’ve seen here.
   原句是“and”连接的两个并列分句,根据汉语表达习惯,在处理前一个分句中的“metropolis of Guangzhou”时,需要调整词序,翻译为“广州这座大都市”;后一分句中的主谓结构“I’m impressed”需要进行语态转换,将被动语态转换为主动语态。
3.As you know, what you intend to buy from us will involve the whole factory equipment including the necessary accessories and parts.
4.But, Mr. Xia. you should understand that ours is a branch and our plan must be approved by the board of directors of the multinational before it is put into practice.
   原句句子结构分析如下:1)(主语)you+(谓语)should understand+(宾语从句1)+and+(宾语从句2);2)宾语从句2的句子结构分析如下:(主语) our plan+(谓语)must be approved+(宾语)by the board of directors of the multinational+(时间状语)before it is put into practice;处理宾语从句2时,需要注意被动语态的变通和时间状语的位置。
5.To ensure the payment, the Bank of China should give us a written letter to the effect that they will guarantee the payment if the buyer fails to do so.
   原句句子主干分析如下:(主语)Bank of China+(谓语)should give+(间接宾语)us+(直接宾语)a letter。翻译时,需要注意商务交谈措辞,其中“us”应翻译为“我方”,letter应翻译为“函”。
   1.商务建议              business proposal
   2.mount of work         工作量
   3.branch                子公司
   4.put into practice     实施
   5.head office           总部
   6.loan                  贷款
   7.banker’s guarantee    银行担保
   8.installment           分期付款
   9.shipment              装运
   10.letter of guarantee  担保函
