The art of pleasing is a very necessary one to possess; but a very difficult one to acquire. It can hardly be reduced to rules;

admin2015-11-27  50

问题 The art of pleasing is a very necessary one to possess; but a very difficult one to acquire. It can hardly be reduced to rules; and your own good sense and observation will teach you more of it than I can. Do as you would be done by, is the surest method that I know of pleasing. Observe carefully what pleases you in others, and probably the same things in you will please others. If you are pleased with the complaisance and attention of others to your humors, your tastes, or your weaknesses, depend upon it, the same complaisance and attention, on your part, to theirs, will equally please them. Take the tone of the company, that you are in, and do not pretend to give it; be serious, gay, or even trifling, as you find the present humor of the company; this is an attention due from every individual to the majority. Do not tell stories in company; there is nothing more tedious and disagreeable; if by chance you know a very short story, and exceedingly applicable to the present subject of conversation, tell it in as few words as possible, and even then, throw out that you do not love to tell stories, but that the shortness of it tempted you.


答案 己所不欲,勿施于人,据我所知这是取悦人的最稳妥的方法。仔细观察别人是如何取悦你的,你这样去做很可能也会令别人感到愉悦。假如别人关注你的情绪或是尊重你的喜好会让你感到愉快,那么同样,关注他人的情绪或是尊重他人的喜好保证也会让他们感到愉快。要融入到你周围的氛围中去,而不要假装去营造某种气氛;气氛是严肃,是欢快,还是随意,要取决于你周围人的情绪:当然这一点是每个人都要注意的,要去顺应多数人的情绪。和大家在一起时不要讲故事,因为再没有比这更乏味更惹人厌烦的了。如果你碰巧知道一个很短的故事,而且与谈话主题特别切合,那么就尽可能用简短的话来讲。即便如此,也不要表现出你很爱讲故事,而是仅仅因为这个故事很简短,你才脱口而出的。

解析 1.画线部分第一句比较简单,按照汉语表达方式调整语序和语态即可。
2.画线部分第二句中,what pleases you in others译为“别人如何取悦你的”更符合汉语表达习惯。
3.画线部分第三句稍长,采取顺译法即可。depend upon it是典型的口语习惯用法,意为“那么同样”。在…the complaisance and attention of others to your humors,your tastes,or yourweaknesses一句中,humors指的是“人的心情或情绪”,而tastes和weaknesses是近义词,指的是“人的喜好或偏爱”,因此该句可翻译为“关注你的情绪,尊重你的喜好”。
4.画线部分第四句话中,Take the tone of the company意为“融入到周围的氛围中”,此句中的tone与humor是同义词。翻译this is an attention due from every individual to the majority一句时,可根据汉语表达习惯译为两个小分句。
5.最后一句话句子较长,根据语义可以分为三个部分,第一个意群在第二个分号处,第二个意群在and even then之前。根据上下文,but that the shortness of it tempted you可以翻译为“仅仅因为这个故事很简短,你才脱口而出的”,tempted在这里是指“使人很想做某事”。
