Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150—200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the

admin2011-01-08  49

问题 Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150—200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only once and then you will-have 25 minutes to finish your English summary. This part of the test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily.  
I think if you wanna get some excitement in your life, you ought to become a leader. How do you influence others? How do you make a difference in their life and the organizations that you are gonna lead?
    So not everyone is a born leader, they need a little help along the way. What are some of the big mistakes that people make when they are in leadership responsibilities whether be, you know, in the workplace or perhaps even at home they think they’ve got it down, some of because they are the designated leader.
    Well, I think the biggest mistake er, is they don’t realize, realize that there’s two parts of leadership. One is the visionary direction part, which is where we’re going, you know, what are the goals? What we are trying to accomplish? And the leaders got to take a major role in setting those. And once the goals are clear now the second part of leadership is how do we get there. That’s when you have to philosophically go to the bottom in the pyramid, and become the coach, cheerleader, supporter of people as they are the ones that are gonna be accomplishing the goals, so we teach people about vision and direction and implementation.
    So say you want to be a leader in the form of your own small business and everywhere you turn these days, mom-and-pop businesses are being gobbled up by the big conglomerates, so what’s your outlook on those who want to be that entrepreneur, someone who wants to lead and organize their own business?
    Well, I think first of all you have to find something that you love to do, that you have energy with because then you’ll take the time to be the best. And then you have to find out, OK, how can I make a business out of that? You know, "Do I wanna be a coach?" er, "Do I wanna be a teacher?" er, "Do I have a product that I think people might be interested in?" So find something you are passionate about and then of course the big issues in running a business and not getting gobbled up is you need good finances and so you need to have some people that’ll help you get off the ground and then you got to know more about managing and leading people.
    All right, and say you are someone who is just now entering the workforce. Yes, you are excited and passionate about what you’ve chosen to do but somehow you gotta keep the momentum going. You get it into the job place or the job market and then you know suddenly you kinda disillusion that wow, this’s a little bit harder than 1 thought. How do you maintain that kind of excitement so that you can excel?
    Well, I think the best advice I’ve ever given to people is when you go to a job, find a mentor, find somebody who’s older than you that has some experience than you and ask them if they would be your mentor. Because a lot of times we get a job and it’s more difficult than we thought and we don’t know where to mm and so a lot of companies don’t set that up, so set it up for your, yourself.


答案 If you want to get some excitement in your life, you ought to become a leader. The biggest mistake people make when they are in leadership responsibilities is they don’t realize that there are two parts of leadership. One is the visionary direction part; the other is how do we get there. My outlook on someone who wants to lead and organize their own business is first of all you have to find something that you love to do, and then the big issues in running a business and not getting gobbled up is good finances and so you need to have some people that’ll help you get off the ground and then you got to know more about managing and leading people. My advice of maintaining an excitement of working is when you go to a job, find a mentor, find somebody who’s older than you, and who has some more experience than you. In this case, when we get a job which is more difficult than we thought, we can turn to them.

解析 1.本题属于综合能力测试题,考验的不仅是考生的听力,也考验总结能力。这部分是一个访谈,所以语速较快,而且篇章的联系似乎不是特别强。但是,正由于是一个访谈,有问有答,只要考生听清楚了问题,听嘉宾回答便不难,而且该嘉宾发言的逻辑性也较强。访谈的中心也很清晰,围绕的是如何做一个成功的企业领导人。所以,只要解决听力障碍,明确中心,理清逻辑关系,这道题目也就迎刃而解了。
2.主题方面:这一材料的主题是如何成为优秀的领导人,这是比较常见也是考生熟悉的主题,在主题知识方面并无太大难度。较不常见的词也只有mentor,mom-and-pop business、 conglomerate等,并且其含义可以通过上下文来推断,问题不大。
4.语句方面:本材料大多时候是短句居多,但偶尔出现的长句会让紧张的考生措手不及,比如:What are some of the big mistakes that people make when they are in leadership responsibilities whether be, you know, in the workplace or perhaps even at home they think they’ve got it down, some of because they are the designated leader。此时考生应该牢牢抓住前面的问题进行总结,只抓大意不管枝节。
