I see a broken upland in the far Northwest. Its gray and purple rocks are interpatched with colors rich and warm, the new-born c

admin2021-08-19  49

问题     I see a broken upland in the far Northwest. Its gray and purple rocks are interpatched with colors rich and warm, the new-born colors of the upland spring, the greatest springtime in the world; for where there is no winter there can be no spring. The gloom is measure of the light. So, in this land of long, long winter night, where nature stints her joys for six hard months, then owns her debts and pays it all at once, the spring is glorious compensation for the past. Six month’s arrears of joy are paid in one great lavish outpour. And latest May is made the date of payment. Then spring, great, gorgeous, six-fold spring holds carnival on every ridge.


答案 遥远的西北是一片山地,它坎坷崎岖,灰色和紫色的岩石间交织着丰富而温暖的色彩,那是山地之春——世界上最美妙的春日刚刚孕育出的色彩。没有冬日,何来春天?衡量光明的恰是黑暗。所以,在陷入漫长无际的冬夜,被大自然吝啬地剥夺欢乐长达六个月之久后,这片土地一次性清偿欠下的巨债,用灿烂宜人的春天弥补了此前半年的黑暗荒寂。拖欠六个月的快乐,大自然通过一次慷慨倾注彻底还清。到了5月末的偿债日,春天,灿烂、辉煌,积攒成六倍的春天降临每条山脊,如同狂欢节般热闹非凡。

解析     broken在这里修饰“山地,高地”,选取“坎坷崎岖的”这一义项。其在原文中为前置修饰语,为了更好地与下句中的指示代词its形成自然衔接,翻译时后置,译文读来更流畅。new—born意为“新生的”,在这里处理为“刚刚孕育出的”,体现出了春日到来孕育万物,万物复苏的意味。
    这句话中包含一个由介词in引导的地点状语,同时又有一个由where引导的定语从句,真正的主谓部分为the spring is glorious compensation for the past。若是按照原文行文结构处理,译为“在这片被大自然吝啬地剥夺欢乐长达六个月之久,陷入漫长无际的冬夜,然后一次性清偿欠下的巨债的土地上,春天……”,不仅结构冗长,重点不突出,也会令读者感到不知所云。因此,翻译时首先在脑海中形成作者描绘的场景,然后重新建构语言,不受原文表达模式的禁锢,将每一块内容处理为小短句的形式,按照逻辑顺序组合在一起。同时,将主语转换为“这块土地”,从意境和画面上形成与原文的对等。
