Passage 1

admin2018-01-02  21

问题 Passage 1
With a population of approximately 7 million and an area of 1,580 sq km, London is by far the largest city in Europe, a distinction it has maintained since the 17th century. In the 19th century it was the biggest and most influential city in the world, the centre of a large and prosperous overseas empire. Though no longer among the world’s most populous cities, this vast metropolis remains one of the world’s financial and cultural capitals, physically spread out and dispersed, without a predominant focal point.
    One of the world’s great centres for classical and popular culture, London has enjoyed a reputation for superb theatre since the time of Shakespeare in the 16th century. The sheer number of symphony orchestras is impressive and some of the most renowned concert halls provide favorable venues for the profusion of performance in town. A living museum itself, London boasts one of the greatest concentrations of significant museums of any city in the world.


答案 伦敦人口约七百万,面积1580平方公里,是目前欧洲最大的国际化大都市,而且自l7世纪以来始终保持这一地位。19世纪,伦敦是世界上最大和最有影响力的城市,是庞大繁荣的海外帝国的中心。如今伦敦已不再是世界上人口最多的城市,但依然是世界金融和文化中心,城市布局开阔,人口分散,没有一个绝对的市中心。 伦敦是古典文化和流行文化的中心之一,自16世纪莎士比亚时代起就拥有一流的剧院。交响乐团数量众多,一些音乐厅极负盛名,为各类音乐演出提供了理想的场所。伦敦本身就是一座鲜活的博物馆,还集中了世界上任何城市所能拥有的一些重要博物馆/博物馆拥有量最多/最集中的城市之一。

