But now, while we have loitered, the clouds have gathered again, and a few straggling snow-flakes are beginning to descend. Fast

admin2020-08-19  26

问题     But now, while we have loitered, the clouds have gathered again, and a few straggling snow-flakes are beginning to descend. Faster and faster they fall, shutting out the distant objects from sight. The snow falls on every wood and field, and no crevice is forgotten; by the river and the pond, on the hill and in the valley. Quadrupeds are confined to their coverts and the birds sit upon their perches this peaceful hour. There is not so much sound as in fair weather, but silently and gradually every slope, and the gray walls and fences, and the polished ice, and the sere leaves, which were not buried before, are concealed, and the tracks of men and beasts are lost. With so little effort does nature reassert her rule and blot out the traces of men.
    Hear how Homer has described the same: "The snowflakes fall thick and fast on a winter’s day. The winds are lulled, and the snow falls incessant, covering the tops of the mountains, and the hills, and the plains where the lotus-tree grows, and the cultivated fields, and they are falling by the inlets and shores of the foaming sea, but are silently dissolved by the waves. " The snow levels all things, and infolds them deeper in the bosom of nature, as, in the slow summer, vegetation creeps up to the entablature of the temple, and the turrets of the castle, and helps her to prevail over art.


答案 我们四处游荡,现在暮云四合,雪花又断断续续地飘下。雪愈下愈快,远处的东西都迷迷糊糊地渐渐消失。雪四处落下,树上、田里、河边、湖畔、山上、谷底——没有一个小小的缝隙雪不飘进去的。现在空气变得特别宁静,四足走兽都找地方隐蔽起来了,鸟也栖息不动。声音几乎一点都听不见,比好天气的时候更要静寂。可是悄悄地、渐渐地,山坡、灰色的墙和篱笆、光滑的冰、干枯的树叶,这一切以前没有给雪遮盖住的,现在都埋了起来,人兽的足迹也一齐丧失。大自然毫不费力地,就恢复了她的统治权,把人为的痕迹一概抹杀。 有荷马咏雪的诗为证:“冬天雪花落得快而且密。风不吹了,雪不断地下,盖住了高山和丘陵的顶,也盖住了长酸枣树的平原,和耕种过的田地;在浪花四起的海湾海岸边上,雪也落着,可是雪落到海里,就一声不响地,给海水融化掉了。”雪填满一切缺陷,使万物齐平,把万物更深地包在自然的怀抱之中;雪的作用同攀藤差不多。在漫长的夏天里,藤爬上了庙宇的柱顶和堡垒的雉堞。它协助自然的力量,遮掩了人工的建筑。

解析     shutting out的动作发出者是“雪”,伴随状语说明的是大雪带来的结果,若是按照原文中的动宾结构处理,译为“将远处万物渐渐从视线中排除”,并不符合中文的表达习惯,因此转变主语,将distant objects转换为主语,用主谓结构来描述大雪纷飞带来的结果,表达更顺畅自然。
    原文中and no crevice is forgotten为插入语,位于句子中间,但其本身是一个总结性的小短句,所以翻译为“没有一个小小的缝隙雪不飘进去的”放在最后;同时,主句中的宾语翻译时可并列放置在一起,增强语言的节奏感。
    level作动词意为“使平坦、使平整”,在句中形容下雪之后的情景,故译文增加了“填满一切缺陷”,使译文语义更完整;creep up的动作发出者是攀藤,翻译时,根据其后所接的宾语,使用“爬上”这个动词,体现其所具有的动态感;art在这里并非简单指“艺术”,结合语境可知,这里指的是前一句提及的庙宇和塔楼等,相对于大自然,这些都是人类制造的,故译为“人工的建筑”。
