A、The woman will have one more week to write the report. B、One week is not enough for them to write the report. C、The report is

admin2013-06-25  22

W: I’ve been working on this report all day. And I’ve still got 12 pages to write. At this rate, I’ll never get it done by tomorrow.
M: Oh, that’s right. You weren’t in class today, so you probably haven’t heard that the deadline’s been extended a week.
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、The woman will have one more week to write the report.
B、One week is not enough for them to write the report.
C、The report is too difficult to write.
D、Today’s class is focusing on the deadline of the report.


解析 对话中女士对男士说:我最近都在忙着准备这份报告,还有12页未完成。照这个进度我明天肯定无法完成。男士听后回应道:对了,今天你没上课,所以你还不知道报告的上交时间延期了一周。解题的关键信息是deadline’s been extended a week,抓住此信息则不难判断出A是正确答案。
