While it is generally agreed that the power of large companies extends beyond the economic sphere,this influence is difficult t

admin2015-06-24  9

问题   While it is generally agreed that the power of large companies extends beyond the economic
sphere,this influence is difficult to measure in any objective way.The processes of business entail at least some effort to ensure the sympathetic enactment and enforcement of legislation,since costs and earnings are affected by tax rates and government regulations.Companies and business groups send agents to local and national capitals and use such vehicles as advertising to enlist support for policies that they favor.Although,in many countries,companies may not legally contribute directly to candidates running for public office,their executives and stockholderS may do so asindividuals.Companies may,however,make payments to influence peddlers and contribute to committees working to pass or defeat legislative proposals.In practical terms,.many lawmakers look upon companies as part of their constituency,although,if their districts depend on local plants,these lawmakers may be concerned more with preserving jobs than with protecting company profits.In any case,limited-liability companies are central institutions in society;it would be unrealisticto expect them to remain aloof from the political process that affects their operations,performance,and principles.   
    The decisions de by company have ramilications throughout socmtv In effect,companies can decide which parts of the country or even which parts of the world will prosper andwhich will decline by choosing where to locate their plants and other installations.The giant companies not only decide what to produce but also help to instill in their customers a desire for the amenities that the companies make available.To the extent that large firms provide employment,their personnel requirements determine the curricula of schools and universities.For these reasons,individuals’aspirations and dissatisfactions are likely to be influenced by large companies.This does not mean that large business firms can influence the public in any way they choose;it is simply that they are the only institutions—available to perform certain functions. Automobiles,typewriters,frozen food,and electric toasters must come from company auspices if they are to be provided at all.Understanding this dependence as a given,companies tend to create an environment congenial to the conduct of their business.
The word“ramification”(Line 1,Para.2)most probably means_________.

选项 A、requirements


解析 词汇题。根据上下文判断,ramification在此是“影响,后果”的意思。A项requirement需求,要求;B项consequence结果;C项dissatisfaction不满意;D项sphere领域,范围。正确答案为B。
