How to Write a College Term Paper? I. Tip 1: Figure out exactly what the professor wants. Read【T1】_____ very carefully.【T1】_

admin2017-04-25  49

问题 How to Write a College Term Paper?
I. Tip 1: Figure out exactly what the professor wants.
    Read【T1】_____ very carefully.【T1】______
    Talk to your professor to ensure you【T2】_____.【T2】______
II. Tip 2: Brainstorm a great topic appropriate for the assignment.
    Write about something unique and【T3】_____.【T3】______
    Visit your professor for help.
III. Tip 3: Write an outline.
    Not necessarily a(n)【T4】_____ outline.【T4】______
    Show your outline to your professor.
IV. Tip 4: Back up claims with【T5】_____.【T5】______
    Cite studies,【T6】_____ and quotes.【T6】______
    Don’t rely too heavily on examples.
V. Tip 5: Write a cool introduction. You may begin with:
    an interesting【T7】_____【T7】______
    a startling statistic
VI. Tip 6: Write a clear【T9】_____.【T9】______
    Keep it as simple as possible.
    Don’t【T10】_____ from it【T10】______
VII. Tip 7: Use good sources.
    Choose credible sources.
    Avoid【T11】_____ sources.【T11】______
    Use sources rich with facts and ideas.
    Don’t rely too heavily on one source.
    Never list sources you didn’t really use in your【T12】_____.【T12】______
VIII. Tip 8: Lose the B.S.
    Keep your introductions【T13】_____.【T13】______
IX. Tip 9: Never【T14】_____.【T14】______
X. Tip 10: Get help if you need it.
    Look for resources in the school for writing help.
XI. Proofread at least for【T15】_____times.【T15】______
How to Write a College Term Paper?
Good morning, everyone! Today I’d like to continue our series of talks about study skills in university. This morning I’m going to talk about how to write a college term paper. Learning how to write a college term paper is something many college students struggle with—so if you’re one of them, rest assured that you’re not alone! High schools don’t always prepare students with the essay writing skills that college professors expect, so you might feel very frustrated. I’ve graded thousands of essay papers over the years, and let me tell you, I can tell you lots of common mistakes that students make when writing term papers. I can also give you some tips that might make college essay writing a little easier for you, along with some paper writing shortcuts to make your task easier.
Tip 1: Figure out exactly what the professor wants.[1]Read the assignment sheet very carefully. If you have any questions, ask your professor for clarification.[2]Visit your professor at office hours, and discuss your paper plan to make sure you understand the directions. At a guess, I’d say that at least 10% of my students over the years were downgraded because they did not follow directions.
Tip 2: Brainstorm a great topic that is appropriate for the assignment. Students often are uncreative when thinking of topics.[3]Stand out from the crowd and write about something unique. You definitely want to write about something that interests you, or else this paper assignment is going to suck. If you’re not sure what to write, visit the professor to get some help with brainstorming, and check out this article about choosing term paper topics.
Tip 3: Write an outline. Professors always tell you this, and students often don’t listen. We mean it. Good organization is one of the keys to success in a college term paper, and it’s very difficult to be organized without an outline.[4]It doesn’t have to be a very detailed outline, and you can certainly deviate from the outline as you write the paper. Consider showing your outline to the professor before you write the paper.
Tip 4:[5]Make sure you back up claims in the paper with sufficient evidence. A claim is a statement of fact. Evidence is material that lends support to that claim. For example, let’s say you want to claim that hot dogs are linked to child leukemia. If you’re going to state this, you need to back up your claim with evidence.[6]Discuss some medical studies and statistics, and include a quote from a credible pediatrician. When using evidence, be sure not to rely too heavily on examples. You can find examples of just about anything, and isolated examples are rarely good evidence. For example, a story about your cousin who has childhood leukemia and ate a lot of hot dogs is not strong evidence to back up your claim. Feel free to use this example, but use it alongside more general evidence, like statistics or medical studies.
Tip 5: Write a cool introduction. A creative introduction is one of those things that separates an A paper from a B paper.[7]/[8]Start out with an interesting anecdote, a startling statistic, or something that draws the reader into the paper. Use your imagination. In our student learning center, you may find more information on how to write a great college term paper introduction—and also a great college term paper conclusion. Feel free to visit us.
[9]Tip 6: Write a very clear thesis statement, and use the thesis statement to preview what’s in the paper. This is very important. A good thesis statement is like a road map. For example, a good thesis statement might read, "In this paper, I am going to discuss the economic challenges facing three Canadian provinces: Ontario, British Columbia, and Manitoba." Your paper should then provide information about the economic challenges of these three provinces in the order you listed them in the thesis statement.[10]Make your thesis statement as simple as possible, and don’t deviate from it.
Tip 7: Use good sources. Students sometimes see sources as a hoop to jump through in order to get a decent grade. But good sources lead to good papers, so take the time to find them. Choose credible sources, for example, those written by people who know what they’re talking about and who don’t have a strong bias.[11]Avoid outdated sources. Use sources rich with facts and ideas that you can use in your paper.
Don’t rely too heavily on one source.[12]And never list sources in your bibliography that you didn’t really use to write the paper, because that’s academic dishonesty that can get you in a heap of trouble. A little tip: if your professor asks for a minimum of six sources, she doesn’t want you to use six. She wants about ten.
Tip 8: Lose the B.S.. Professors are smart. We know when a student is adding mumbo jumbo in order to reach the page limit.[13]Introductions sometimes become storage places for B.S., so keep your introductions short.
Tip 9:[14]Never ever, ever, ever plagiarize. Plagiarism is a very serious offence and we have some very good reasons to avoid plagiarism.
Tip 10: Get help if you need it. If you’re just not very good at writing term papers, help is available on your campus. But you need to seek it out. Find out if your school has a study center, a writing center, remedial courses, and other resources for writing help.
And one final bonus tip for you: Proofread! Even if you follow the ten tips above, chances are that you might make some mistakes during the massive talk of paper writing. Do not assume that you can get it right at one go.[15]Try to proofread at least for three times! This will ensure that your paper is error-free. OK. In today’s lecture, we’ve discussed some tips that can help one in writing a term paper. In our next lecture, we’ll discuss how to give an oral presentation effectively.


答案thesis statement

解析 写好学期论文的第六大技巧是“清晰的主题句”,故答案为thesis statement。
