我想重新回到生活简简单单的时代。那时你所知道的只有色彩、乘法表和童谣(nursery rhymes),但是你不觉得缺什么——你不知道你所不了解的,所以也不会去在乎。你所知道的只是开心快乐,因为你对一切令人忧虑、沮丧的事物都浑然(blissfully)不觉。

admin2011-01-26  69

问题   我想重新回到生活简简单单的时代。那时你所知道的只有色彩、乘法表和童谣(nursery rhymes),但是你不觉得缺什么——你不知道你所不了解的,所以也不会去在乎。你所知道的只是开心快乐,因为你对一切令人忧虑、沮丧的事物都浑然(blissfully)不觉。我想认为世界是公正的,每一个人都诚实善良;我想相信,任何事情都有可能发生。


答案I want to return to the era when life was very simple. Then, what you knew were just colors, multiplication table and nursery rhymes, but you didn’ t feel you were short of anything--you didn’ t know what you didn’ t understand, so you wouldn ’ t care about it. What you cared about was just happiness, because you were blissfully unconscious of anything worrying and depressing. I would like to think that the world is just and everyone is honest and kind; I would like to believe that any thing is possible.

