
admin2016-05-30  65

问题     转眼,不知怎样一来,整个燕园成了二月兰的天下。二月兰是一种常见的野花。花朵不大,紫白相间。花形和颜色都没有什么特异之处。如果只有一两棵,在百花丛中,决不会引起任何人的注意。但是它却以多制胜,每到春天,和风一吹拂,便绽开了小花;最初只有一朵,两朵,几朵。但是一转眼,在一夜间,就能变成百朵,千朵,万朵。大有凌驾百花之上的势头了。


答案 In a flash, somehow, the whole Yanyuan has been dominated by the Orychophragmus violaceus. Orychophragmus violaceus is a common wildflower. It is small with the color of purple and white, which has nothing special in shape and color. If there are only one or two hiding among the flowers and grasses, people would not notice them at all. But this kind of flower makes its presence more than one or two. In spring, as the soft breeze blows, it will give its blossom immediately. At first, only one flower appears, and then two, gradually more and more coming out. However, in one night, the number of blossoms would turn out to be one hundred, one thousand, and even one million, which almost can surpass the spectacular sight of hundreds of flowers blooming.

解析 1.第一句由三个分句组成,“整个燕园成了二月兰的天下”暗含被动义,因此译为被动句。“转眼”译为in a flash;“成了……的天下”译为has beendominated by。
3.第六句由七个分句组成,第一个分句中的主语“它”指的是“二月兰”,译为this kind of flower;联系上下文可知,原文中的“以多制胜”事实上表达的意思是“(二月兰)常常大片大片地出现”,因此可译为but this kind of flowermakes its presence with more than one or two。“每到春天,和风一吹拂,便绽开了小花”由三个分句组成,第一个分句为时间状语,第二个分句为原因状语,第三个分句译为主句。主句的主语用it指代,谓语动词“绽开”使用bloom,翻译时,使用弱势动词give来过渡强势动词bloom,译为giveblossom;“和风”译为soft breeze。“最初只有一朵,两朵,几朵”由三个分句组成,原文中的句子省略了很多内容,因此翻译时要将原文省略的内容增译出来。
