
admin2023-02-10  62

问题 自从1949年新中国成立以来,中国政府一直十分重视教育,通过颁布(promulgate)一系列法律法规来保护不同群体的公民受教育的权利,尤其是保护少数民族、妇女、儿童和残疾人受教育的权利。五十多年来,通过持续不断的努力,中国的教育事业取得了长足的进步。中国是一个人口众多、经济和文化发展不平衡的大国,教育事业还有待进一步发展,但我们仍然有信心建立起一个与国情相适应的、面向21世纪的教育体制。


答案Since 1949 when the People’s Republic of China was founded, Chinese government has always been placing education on its higher agenda. It aims to protect the education rights of its population from different angles, especially of ethnic minority groups, children, women and the disabled by promulgating a series of regulations and laws. Through uninterrupted efforts in the past five decades, China has made significant progress in its education sector. China is a country of large population, unbalanced economic and cultural development, with its education sector needing further development. But we still have confidence in building up an educational framework compatible with China’s conditions and oriented to the 21st century.

解析 1.“新中国”此处不能译成new China;“新中国成立”在句式上应用被动式来表现:the People’s Republic of China was founded。
2. “一直做某事”,文中使用现在完成进行时,表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,或者刚刚终止。或者可能仍然要继续下去。与since、for连用时。常常表示动作会进行下去。
3. “……十分重视……”除了文中所用表达to place something on one’s higher agenda之外,还可以用to place a high value on、to assign great importance to、to pay great attention to或to attach great importance to等。
4. “一系列”可如文中所示使用a series of,此外也可使用multiple或a range of等来表达“多种”的意思。
5. “持续不断的努力”也可处理为continuous efforts。
6. “中国是一个……的大国,教育事业……”先把主句“中国是一个大国”进行翻译. 再作后置定语的处理。
