I am always surprised how people just accepted our customs as normal without questioning them. For example, when a baby is born

admin2019-03-20  100

问题     I am always surprised how people just accepted our customs as normal without questioning them. For example, when a baby is born a certain amount of information is sent out to friends and family. It’s usually a photo, the name, time and place of the birth and the weight of the bay...That’s not a convention we seem so keen to follow through when someone dies.
    In death we’re similarly reduced to statistics. Your gravestone will have your name, maybe a photo and the date of your birth (that one is not hanging, they compete that statistic with your death date). But no follow up on the weight issue. Why not? Why have a start weight if you’re not going to bother with the end weight, too?


答案 对习俗,人们不加质疑便习以为常,这常常令我感到惊讶。比如,婴儿诞生时,亲朋好友会收到孩子的一些特定信息,通常是一张照片、姓名、出生时间和地点以及宝宝的体重……然而某人去世时,我们似乎不再乐意遵循这种习俗。 人死时,和出生时一样,会化为据。墓碑上将刻有你的名字,也许还会附上一张照片以及你的出生日期(并非只有出生日期,还会有死亡日期与之抗衡)。然而却没有了体重的最新信息。为何不呢?既然无意费心离世时的体重,又何必称出生时的体重?

解析     本文选自Richard Herring在Metro News网站上发表的名为Time Weights for No Man,Dead or Alive的一篇随感,表达了作者对出生时测量体重,死后墓碑却不再提及体重这一习俗的疑惑与人们不对其产生怀疑的不满,因为是网络文章,其中出现了一些较为新潮的流行用语,考生需要在备考过程中多留意、多积累。
