This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a recommendation in not less than 100 zoords

admin2014-02-19  23

问题    This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a recommendation in not less than 100 zoords based on the information given in Chinese.
   假设你是某公司经理张海,你的职员李明要调至另一家公司担任财务总监,根据以下所列 信息,为他写一封推荐信,内容包括:
   1) 你为什么写此推荐信;2) 叙述你对李明的了解;3) 你对他的工作能力和性格的评价。
   李明:1997年毕业于中国财经大学,专业:会计;2002年取得注册会计师证;2007年由于工 作成绩极佳被提升为某公司主管会计。 Words for reference:
   accountant会计   Certificate of a Certified Accountant 注册会计师证


答案(1) Dear Sir, (2) It is with a great pleasure that I recom mend Mr.Li Ming to you,an outstanding ac countant,for the post of chief financial officer in your firm. (3) Mr.Li graduated from China Financial University in 1997,majoring in accountancy.(4) After graduation,he came to our firm to be an ac countant.(5)In 2002 he obtained the Certificate of a Certified Accountant,and in 2007 he was promoted to be one of the chief accountants of our firm because of his excellent work. (6) Mr.Li is a friendly and pleasant gentle main,devoting to his firm and profession.(7)It’s surely a huge loss for our firm that he has to leave us for some personal reasons.(8) I recommend Mr.Li without reservation and believe you will find him a real treasure very soon. (9) Sincerely, Zhang Hai

解析 这是一封推荐信。要注意推荐信的基 本格式。
   c.结束敬语写在正文下面一两行右下 角位置;
   (2) 信开头部分用It is with a great pleasure that I recommend来说明此信 目的;
   (8)推荐信结尾处比较典型的用法,表 示希望被推荐人会令对方满意。
   It is with great pleasure that I recommend 被推荐人 for the post of 推荐职位.
   总结一下被推荐人的优点. I believe that you will find him/her a real treasure very soon.
