According to one of those often-quoted statistics that should be true but probably isn’t, the average number of people who read

admin2019-08-08  22

问题    According to one of those often-quoted statistics that should be true but probably isn’t, the average number of people who read a PhD thesis all the way through is 1.6. And that includes the author. More interesting might be the average number of PhD theses that the typical scientist has read from start to finish. Would it reach even that benchmark? 【F1】What we know for sure is that the reading material keeps on coming, with tens of thousands of new theses typed up each year.
   Completing a thesis represents a coming of age not just scientifically, but also educationally and personally. 【F2】It signals the passing of an intellectual milestone—from a student under the care of a supervisor to an individual who asks questions of their own. It marks the end of formal education, and graduation to a new phase in life. For many people, it also sees their departure from science altogether. 【F3】Often, the PhD years coincide with significant personal events, as we mature emotionally and meet friends, partners and colleagues who will stay with us for life. All this can also turn thesis-writing into a more significant event than merely the writing up of a (usually) minor piece of science.
   Still, it’s perhaps too easy to get sentimental over the thesis. For a start, the process has to keep up with the times. The PhD is already assessed in many different ways around the world and scientists should welcome ways to keep it relevant. 【F4】The goal of PhD assessment everywhere remains, rightly, to demonstrate that a student has conducted, and can communicate, independent, original research. But the way in which that’s achieved can and should be improved.
   For one thing, it doesn’t have to involve a vast printed volume. A lot of students could do themselves, their supervisors, their examiners and their wider audience a favor by keeping it crisp and short Postgraduate supervisors should stress this at the beginning. And it’s important to make the work in the thesis available to future researchers by publishing or sharing the data in some form. To contribute to the world beyond the author’s immediate circle, a PhD thesis should be read and used, and not just serve as a shelf ornament or doorstop.
   For those inspired to go back to their own thesis, and those who are examining a freshly written one, it’s best to be kind. 【F5】As long as the fundamentals are there—the question is interesting and the approach and analysis rigorous—it’s fair to forgive the typos and the research paths that turned out to be dead ends.



解析 ①主句主语It指代上一句说的completing a thesis,即完成一篇毕业论文。②主句宾语是pass an intellectual milestone的动名词形式,其中pass a milestone字面意思为“经过了一个里程碑”,在这里是指“达到了一定的水平,迎来了一个新的阶段”的意思;而intellectual本义是“智商、智力上的”,结合语境应理解为“学识、知识、学术能力上的”。③破折号后的内容是对主句宾语passing of an intellectual milestone寓意的进一步解释说明,主干结构是from A to B。其中A是a student under the care of a supervisor。supervisor表示我们国内的“导师”这个概念;B是an individual,其后带有一个who引导的定语从句。
