A、To research the climate. B、To visit her relatives. C、To get her health insurance. D、To finish graduate courses. D女士说了这么多关于英国的缺

admin2016-08-29  39

M: Hello, Miss Lin. So glad to see you!
W: Oh, no, you aren’t. I’ve been here hundreds of times for the visa, so you couldn’t possibly be glad to see me again.
M: But I’m really glad to see you this morning. I was just going to ring you up to let you know the visa has been granted at last.
W: Really? I can hardly believe my ears! Do you realize I’ve been waiting for nearly 6 months by now?
M: That’s not very long, compared with the time it took many other visa applicants.
W: This, I suppose, is British efficiency.
M: Let’s not put it that way, please!
W: To tell you the truth, if I were somebody who wanted to stay in another country for good, I certainly wouldn’t choose Britain.
M: Why not?
W: As far as I know, the living cost there is very high, compared with that in America, Switzerland, Sweden and many other western countries.
M: That, I must admit, is true.
W: Besides, Britain is well-known for its bad weather. I hear the sun hardly ever shines there.
M: Yes, we have maritime climate. It can’t be helped. But what puzzles me now is why you have applied for a British visa after all?
W: The answer is quite simple. I happen to be a student of English, and I want to get an MA degree. For that purpose I’ve decided to go to the University of London, even if it does rain every day in England.
M: I see, no wonder you speak such fluent English. Here’s your passport and the visa is on this page. Now you can go and get your health certificate.
1 Why did the man want to call the woman in the morning?
2 What is the disadvantage of Britain compared with other western countries?
3 Why did the woman go to Britain?
4 What will the woman probably do after the conversation?

选项 A、To research the climate.
B、To visit her relatives.
C、To get her health insurance.
D、To finish graduate courses.


解析 女士说了这么多关于英国的缺点,却仍然要前往英国,男士对此表示不解。女士解释说她要去完成硕士学位。D正确。
