
admin2018-02-13  166

问题    中国的龙是中国神话和民间故事里传说的生物。龙有许多动物的特征,例如龟、鱼等。但是,大多情况下龙被描绘成长着四只脚的蛇形动物。传统意义上龙象征强大的、幸运的力量,特别是能够控制水、雨、飓风和洪水。龙还能带给人权利,力气和好运。因此,中国的皇帝常常用龙来象征他们的皇权和力量。在中国人的日常语言中,优秀的、超群的人常常被比作龙,而无能的人则被比作虫。许多中国的格言和谚语也都提到龙。


答案 Chinese dragons are(1) legendary creatures in Chinese(2) myths and(3) folk stories. The dragons have many animal-like forms such as turtles, fish, etc. But they are most commonly(4) depicted as snake-like with four legs. Chinese dragons traditionally symbolize(5) potent and fortunate power, particularly control over water, rainfall, hurricane, and floods. The dragon brings people power, strength, and good luck.(6) With this, the Emperor of China usually used the dragon as a symbol of his imperial power and strength. In Chinese daily language, excellent and outstanding people(7) are compared to a dragon, while incapable people are compared to a worm. A number of Chinese proverbs and idioms also have(8) references to a dragon.

解析 (1)“传说中的”可译为legendary,是legend的形容 词形式。
(3)“民间故事”可译为folk stories。
(6)此处根据上下文,“因此”可译为with this,表示 结果。
(7)“被比作……”可译为are compared to…。
(8)“提到,提及”可译为reference to。
