在人类历史的长河中,美术不仅给人民大众带来了美的享受,更是记载着一个国家、一个民族生生不息、延绵不绝的历史。 我国的艺术市场要在国际市场中占有一席之地,首先要有高质量的产品,其次要有良好的信誉,第三要有善于营销的经营主体和人才。中国有着五千年的深厚

admin2019-04-11  91

问题     在人类历史的长河中,美术不仅给人民大众带来了美的享受,更是记载着一个国家、一个民族生生不息、延绵不绝的历史。


答案In the long human history, fine arts have not only acted as a feast of beauty to people, but also been the endless and unbroken recorded history of a country and a nation. In order for Chinese art market to hold its own place in the world, high-quality products are firstly required, secondly is great reputation and thirdly are managing bodies and talents who are good at marketing. China has a long history of five thousand years with great cultural deposits, millions of artists, exuberant artistic creativity and numerous eye-catching works of art. However, due to our lack of high-quality art dealers and experience in international market management, the balance between artistic value and prices of the excellent works by Chinese artists has not been realized in the world market. With more and more international exchanges and communications, we need to grasp the great opportunity ahead us, and create a trust-worthy and art-orientated Chinese brand, welcoming a dynamic and thriving spring for our art industry.

