It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. We live in a consumer society where there is an enorm

admin2016-03-01  32

问题     It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. We live in a consumer society where there is an enormous demand for commercial products of all kinds. Moreover, an increase in industrial production is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployment. Such an increase presumes(意味着)an abundant and cheap energy supply. Many people believe that nuclear energy provides an inexhaustible(用不完的)and economical source of power and that it is therefore essential for an industrially developing society. There are a number of other advantages in the use of nuclear energy. Firstly, nuclear power, except for accidents, is clean. A further advantage is that a nuclear power station can be run and maintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff. The nuclear reactor represents an enormous step in our scientific evolution and , whatever the anti-nuclear group says, it is wrong to expect a return to more primitive sources of fuel. However, opponents of nuclear energy point out that nuclear power stations bring a direct threat not only to the environment but also to civil liberties.
    Furthermore, it is questionable whether ultimately nuclear power is a cheap source of energy. There have, for example, been very costly accidents in America, in Britain and, of course, in Russia. The possibility of increases in the cost ofuranium(铀)in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could price nuclear power out of the market. In the long run, environmentalists argue, nuclear energy wastes valuable resources and disturbs the ecology(生态)to an extent which could bring about the destruction of the human race. Thus, if we wish to survive, we cannot afford nuclear energy. In spite of the ease against nuclear energy outlined above, nuclear energy programs are expanding. Such an expansion assumes a continual growth in industrial production and consumer demands. However, it is doubtful whether this growth will or can continue. Having weighed up the arguments on both sides, it seems there are good economic and ecological reasons for sources of energy other than nuclear power.
Which of the following statements may the writer agree with?

选项 A、Nuclear energy programs will undoubtedly continue expanding.
B、The demand for commercial products will surely keep growing in any case.
C、Uranium is a good source of energy for economic and ecological reasons.
D、The increasing cost may possibly force nuclear energy to withdraw from the market.


解析 细节题。首先A选项“Nuclear energy programs will undoubtedly continueexpanding.”和B选项“The demand for commercial products will surely keep growing in any case.”的表述过于绝对化,与原文有较大出入,需要排除。在此还请各位考生特别注意选项中的副词或短语所描述的程度,如选项A中的“undoubtedly”与B选项中的“surely”,“in any case”,这副词和短语都是出卷者常用来设陷诱使考生上当的。遇到含有这类词的选项,必须将这些选项与原文认真比对,若有出入,果断不选。C选项“Uranium is a good source of energy foreconomic and ecological reasons”也不能选,因为根据原文第二段“In the long run,environmentalists argue,nuclear energy wastes valuable resources and disturbs the ecology(生态)to an extent whic,h could bring about the destruction of the human race”这一句可知,靠铀来发展核电从长远来看不仅浪费宝贵资源,而且会扰乱生态。而D选项与原文第二段“The possibilityof increases in the cost of uranium(铀)in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions couldprice iaudear power out of the market.”这一句表述的意思是完全相同的,即核电成本的日益增加很可能会迫使核电最终推出市场,故答案是D。
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