A、Drop out of the play. B、Switch parts with another actor. C、Be patient about learning his part. D、Have his lines memorized by t

admin2010-07-24  23

M: Would you like to take a break and get a soda? We have had a long day.
W: Would I ever! I really need something refreshing.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: Professor, maybe you’d better find another actor to play this role. The lines are so long. Sometimes I just completely forget them.
W: Look, Sam, it’s still a long time before the first show. And I don’t expect you to know all the lines yet. Just keep practicing and I’m sure you will get them.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

选项 A、Drop out of the play.
B、Switch parts with another actor.
C、Be patient about learning his part.
D、Have his lines memorized by tomorrow.


解析 男士希望教授另找人选扮演这个角色,因为台词太长,他记不住,教授则安慰男士说,离首场演出还有很长时间,并且鼓励他坚持练习,一定能够记住的。由此可见,教授建议男士要耐心练习自己所扮演的角色。
